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by Sean Mattingly.
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1965 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 82 of 85.
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CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments Midnight Blue Pearl 1965 GTO hardtop, Tri-Power engine view.

CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4.3 star rating4.3 star rating4.3 star rating4.3 star rating4.3 star rating Red 1965 GTO hardtop owned by Tom Duffy from Cadillac, Michigan. This was our Picture Of The Week for 9-2-07. This is a shot of it fresh out of restoration.
CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Left rear view of Tom's red 1965 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments Tom adds, "Best day was when my Grand Daughter Haylee got hers out to and we parked in the front drive. You will note that she already has a sponsor!"

CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments Dave Miller from Cincinnati Ohio owns this black 1965 GTO hardtop. Not only was this our Picture Of The Week for 9/20/07, but it is the 15,000th picture posted to this site. I like how the car disappears in the reflections. It looks like its green, but really black! Dave has this story to share, "I was home from college in late April 1965 when my Dad, who was 63 at the time, decided it was time to trade the old 58 Star Chief for something new. I went with him, and an hour later I drove this car home. I may have had something to do with the selection. I believe Dad really wanted a 4 door, because he was surprised and disappointed that there were no back doors as he noticed as we were leaving the dealership. On the test drive, after I floored the Goat from about a 40 mph kickdown (yes it's a 2-speed automatic, on the column, no less), Dad said, 'My, it's peppy!' This was my Dad's transportation and the only car in the family. Mom didn't drive. It was also my date car until I graduated and bought a new 4-speed 69 GTO from the same dealer, Ray Steidle in Milford Ohio. The 69 was nice, but the 65 had captured my heart years earlier and frankly. I liked it better, 2-speed auto and all, and I'm a 4-speed manual guy. Dad died in 72. He loved the car - washed it the day he died. He was proud to own a GTO, loved the performance and he never missed those extra two doors. Mom finally got her chance to drive a car and she relished the opportunity. I don't know how she parked it, it doesn't have power steering, but somehow she managed. Mom drove very slowly - too slow. People backing out onto a street had a tendency to hit her and once she got hit so hard that the car was totaled for $400. That what it was worth in the mid 70s. I gave her an extra $300 and we had it fixed, not very well as I found out much later. Her eyesight was failing and she stopped driving a few years later. The car sat in her garage until 1989 when I bought it from her. It needed a lot of body work, but the engine and mechanicals were all working well. Restoration was completed in 1996, but, since retiring a few years ago, I have been able to lavish some attention and detailing on it. The car is about as close to showroom as I can ever remember. All the performance is still there. Occasionally I'll nail it and suddenly it's 1965. What an engine! The splitters and Rally I wheels are the only changes I made to the original equipment. I never liked the Deluxe wheel cover with whitewalls. The redlines really set off the red pinstripe. Sometimes I just stare at it, like the guy in the wax commercial who runs his riding mower through the bushes, hypnotized by his beautiful car. It's got a lot of history - a lot of great memories. Now that I think of it, Dad would have liked he wheels and the splitters, too."
CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Another view of Dave Miller's black 1965 GTO hardtop. The red pinstripes go well with the redline tires.
CLICK-> 1965 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Owner Dave Miller has helped contribute to the growing list of Pontiac Zone and Dealer Codes which are displayed on this webeite. You'll find that ongoing research in the "Text Topics" area in Article #18. Dave told us about his car's dealership: "Here's one more code for you. Ray Steidle Pontiac, Inc, 760 Main Street, State Route 28, Milford, Ohio. Dealer code 09 625. My Dad and I (as an accomplice) bought a 1965 GTO Hardtop there on 4-30-65. I still have the car and it was picture number 15,000 on your website in 2008. I recently had the dealer license plate frame duplicated from the rusty original. That was an interesting experience, but the new frame turned out great. Ray Steidle's name now once again graces the rear license plate of my GTO. Yeah, I know. I'm eaten up with it. It's just so much fun to duplicate stuff the way it really was. Even though I have most all the paperwork including original window sticker, order sheet and invoice (never found the build sheet), the dealer number was not on anything I looked at until I checked the Protect-o-plate (thanks to your suggestion). I bought a 69 GTO from Steidle as well. Ray was a terrific guy."
CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Black 1965 GTO hardtop, right side view.
CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments Close-up of the headlight assembly and front fender.
CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating One last shot of Dave's Black 1965 GTO hardtop.

CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Jason Daubert owns this Burgundy 1965 GTO hardtop. This was our Picture Of The Week for 10/7/2007. Jason visits this site daily. He adds, "I have this car owned since 1988. While growing up, my Mother drove a 65 then a 69 GTO. (I'd love to know where they are now!), so it was only natural that I wanted one for myself."

CLICK-> 1965 Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Teal Turquoise 1965 GTO owned by Rodney Wentz from Millbury, Massachusetts. This was our Picture Of The Week for 2-3-08. When this picture was taken, Rodney had just completed body-off restoration. It is an original 389ci, 4-speed car. It is stock except for wheels, disc brakes, a repro intake, and Flowmasters.
CLICK-> 1965 Nice close-up detailed shot of the front end of Rodney's Teal Turquoise 1965 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> 1965 Teal Turquoise 1965 GTO hardtop, trunk view.
CLICK-> 1965 Here's Rodney's 1965 GTO undergoing restoration. The body work is done, the engine is installed and the body panels are being fit prior to paint.

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1965 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 82 of 85.

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Says Larry Fisher (mongouse6233.@aol.com) - "Sean you do a wonderful job with this site. It is one of the best sites on the web. I love to come to the site to see what's new and vote for car pictures. GTO Forever!"