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by Sean Mattingly.
2007 GTOAA International Convention coverage
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2007 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 1 of 6.
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CLICK-> Arnie's Drag Car Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating The 2007 GTOAA International Convention was held June 26th through the 30th in Columbus, Ohio. This year the UltimateGTO.com site visitors get to show off their photos of the event here. Did you attend? Use our Upload Page to send us some pictures you took. We may post them on the site. This is a picture of Arnie Beswick's 1964 GTO drag car. It is called "The Tameless Tiger II". Photo by Todd Smith.

CLICK-> Grocery Getter 4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating A recreation of Arnie Beswick's famous "Grocery Getter" was on display at the show. Click here to compare to a 1997 shot of this car. It has more racing parts stickers on it now. Photo contributed by Don Barr.

CLICK-> Burgundy 64 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating A Burgundy 1964 GTO hardtop which was entered in Concours judging. Taken by Paul Sanders. The driver's door had small dent and scratch. Despite this, the owner still found a way to be funny and the paper taped below the scratch read, 'Things to do: Add padding to inside of trailer fender!'

CLICK-> 1964 Tempest Has viewer comments3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Lowered Brazen Orange 2964 Tempest Sport Coupe had a 455 and an air bag suspension. Brazen Orange is a factory paint color for the 2006 GTO. The owner had lots of progress pictures until it was finally completed. The car was off the frame and had new trunk floors and floor pans installed. Photo by Paul Sanders.

CLICK-> Black 64 GTO Convertible 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Take a look at this awesome triple black 1964 GTO convertible. This photo was sent in by Don Barr. Click here to see a front end view which was featured as the Picture Of The Week for 7/8/07.
CLICK-> Black 64 GTO Convertible In the trunk was a set of pictures showing what the car looked like before restoration. Taken by Paul Sanders.
CLICK-> Inside the Goat Triple black means a black paint job, a black roof top, and a black interior. Let's hop in and take her for a spin! Photo from Paul Sanders.
CLICK-> 64 Tripower And a Tri-Power engine under the hood! Photo from Paul Sanders.

CLICK-> Red 1964 GTO 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating NEW POST John Nolan owns this Grenadier Red 1964 GTO hardtop. He reworked the engine to put out 365hp and 500 ft-lb of torque. Those are 15-inch American Racing 'Rodmaster' wheels. This Goat was selected as GTOAA's Concours Best 'Modified' restoration during the 2007 Nationals. This photo was contributed by John Nolan.
CLICK-> John and his Family NEW POST John and his family with their Grenadier Red 1964 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> Red 1964 GTO NEW POST Some guys talking GTOs at the show. Photo by John Nolan.
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Has viewer comments NEW POST Looking up the passenger side of this 1964 GTO. Nice and straight. Photo by John Nolan.
CLICK-> Concours Gold NEW POST The Concours Gold award was given to John at the GTOAA Nationals. This image appeared during the presentation of awards at the closing banquet.

CLICK-> Blue 65 GTO 3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating A young lady checks out the restoration photos on display with this light blue 1965 GTO hardtop. Steve Ten Eyck gives us his impression of the Nats: "The last I heard there were 350 pre-registered and the swap turned out great. They sold all the available spots. I did not go [to the races], but the drag races were great too from what I hear from a guy that won his bracket. He's the one that bought 2 of the 4 Muncies I sold (for backups for his 2 race cars). I was just too involved in my swap space to get around much. I did take some amateur photos, but it was done the morning after a terrible storm went through and many of the cars were still safely tucked in their trailers." Photo by Todd Smith.

CLICK-> Ram Air 65 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Iris Mist 1965 GTO hardtop with a Ram Air Tri-Power engine under the hood. Awesome. Hey that's Craig George's Indiana car on the left. You might remember at the '06 Nats his Turquoise car's interior was under construction in the main parking lot. I know that's the one because we put the seats in wrong. Yeah, the bench is in the front and the buckets are in the rear! Haaa, not really. Check Craig's wheels. Craig likes the look of the Rally 2 wheels without trim rings. Photo by Todd Smith.

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2007 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 1 of 6.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Shad (MARLEYKLATT.@email.msn.com) - "I bought a 1969 Judge. It is a fun car and I enjoy making small improvements and driving it around town. To me, this car is not what many people think of as a "car", it is a legend, it represents youth, life, and what being an American is all about. My dad relives his past every time he rides in the car, only faster. I enjoy your website and the pictures that are included."