Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2004 G.T.O. Goats!      All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1965 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 68 of 85.
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CLICK-> 65 GTO Project Looks like the front frame has been redone in the past.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Project Just a bit of rust on the lower rear fender.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Project Fenders are off and ready for paint removal.

CLICK-> Red 65 GTO 4.4 star rating4.4 star rating4.4 star rating4.4 star rating4.4 star rating Check out this red 1965 GTO hardtop owned by Ray Bell. Additional informaion, "Scooters Customs was given the car about half way through the restoration to redo some of the work, restore the moldings, trim and grilles f&r, assemble it, and give it the show car finish in and out, up and down. Scooter also is responsible for getting it to all the shows possible. It's taken a first place at almost every show it's been in. Even though it's finished, Scooters is always polishing it and detailing it for every show."
CLICK-> 65 GTO Chrome Engine Check out all the chrome on this engine!
CLICK-> 65 GTO Chrome Engine Another shot of this chromed Tri-Power engine.

CLICK-> 65 GTO Racecar Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Tony Cunial owns this orange 1965 GTO hardtop racecar. Tony explains, "This GTO I picked up from a friend about three years ago. It is a 89,000 mile car and is really awaiting a restoration, but I decided to have some fun with it instead of just letting it sit around and wait. I dropped in the engine out of my 34 Pontiac coupe which is a .060 over 455 with an 8-71 BDS BLOWER and Edelbrock heads, a turbo 400 with 11 in converter and Gear Vendors overdrive, and a 12-bolt with 3.55 gears. It has no cage so that limits me to 11.50 - I have to pedal it a bunch but I don't want to cut it up. This thing is a blast to drive and people love to see it on the street. It's built it to haul my 5 year old twins around because they couldn't both fit in the coupe. They love it."
CLICK-> 65 GTO Racecar Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Another shot of Tony's 65 GTO paired up with a 56 Chevy.

CLICK-> Blue 65 GTO Convertible 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Nightwatch Blue 1965 GTO convertible owned by Tony and Joyce Lukken from Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. Tony tells us, "We bought this as a basket case in 1983. Finally after my family was raised, we started restoration. Dreams turned to a nightmare after restoration was partially finished due to contract dispute with the restoration shop. After 2 1/2 years of legal battle the car went back into a new restoration shop, who then finished it to what you see. The nightmare is now a dream again."
CLICK-> Blue 65 GTO Convertible 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Nightwatch Blue 1965 GTO convertible, left side view.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Interior The interior is dark blue in color.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Engine It has a Tri-Power engine!
CLICK-> 65 GTO Project Here is a shot of the car during restoration. It sits here in primer.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Engine The engine going together.

CLICK-> Blue 65 GTO 4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Charcoal Blue 1965 GTO sport coupe owned by Larry Black. It has a parchment interior and a Tri-Power engine under the hood.

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1965 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 68 of 85.

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Says Jim Parrott (j_parrott.@enovationgraphics.com) - "Your site keeps me young and my memory strong. Keep the GTO name alive. Greatest source for GTO cars and parts I have found."