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1965 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 24 of 85.
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CLICK-> 65 Pro Street GTO Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Take a closer look at this Candy Apple Red 1965 GTO Pro Street hardtop that was found for sale on the internet from Sandusky, Ohio! This thing is streat legal. Want to build one? Here's what you need: Pro Street Aluminum Pro Star Wheels by Weld Wheels, Pro Street Mickey Thompson Sportsman tires, Center Force clutch, Chrome Sun gauges on steering column, Be Cool radiator with an electric fan on the front of the radiator, and also has fan and shroud on engine, Fluidampr harmonic damper on engine, 6 point roll cage, 4 link with Mark Williams 9 inch Ford spline modular aluminum differential with 4.29 rear end gear, 428 cubic inch Pontiac engine made in 1969 which has a mild cam and bored 30 over, 5 speed Doug Nash transmission with Hurst Shifter, 15 gallon Harwood Fuel Cell, Base coat clear coat Dupont metallic dark red paint job with metallic silver and gold flames on the front, 750 Holley carb with aluminum intake, two chambered master cylinder, polyurethane bushings on front end, 4 wheel disc brakes, 3 1/2 inch exhaust pipes back from Jet Hot coated headers, Grant wood steering wheel, Hi-tech billet aluminum windshield wipers, and an electric Holley fuel pump.
CLICK-> 65 Pro Street GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Front end shot of this Ohio Candy Apple Red 1965 Pro Street GTO. This fast car has flames on the front end.
CLICK-> 65 Pro Street GTO Nice looking 428 engine in this one too! You can see the detail on how the flames were painted on. Interstate battery. There is a modified dual snorkel air cleaner too. Look, the back end is cut out of it.
CLICK-> 65 Pro Street GTO Interior is pretty much stock in this Pro Street 1965 GTO. It might be hard to get the kids in the back seat. See the "grab bar" on the passenger side? That's for when the passenger is supposed to shut up and hold on!

CLICK-> blue 65 GTO Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Nightwatch Blue 1965 GTO hardtop owned by Doug Duhamel from Brockton, Massachusetts.

CLICK-> Don Day vintage drag race Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Don Gay was the one who got me attracted to the GTO back in the early 1970's. I used to love to watch him drag race his GTO's on television. These cars are at the NHRA Winternationals.
CLICK-> Don Gay's 65 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Here's some colored pictures of Don Gay's 1965 GTO drag car.

CLICK-> GeeTO Tiger record Has viewer comments Brian Free sent in these pictures of the special edition mail order version of the "GeeTO Tiger" 45 vinyl record that's been sitting around his house for ages. Pontiac created this record (and the famous single "G.T.O." by Ronny and The Daytonas) to promote their GTO in 1965. It was "Pressed by Colpix." 250,000 of these were sold for 50 cents each. The song was performed (or Swung as the jacket says) by a un-known group called "The Tigers". The song starts with the sounds of the GTO accelerating through all four gears then getting quiet as it goes into the distance. The words are:
There's a Tiger on the market and I got the ve-ry first in town!
She's got a Hurst floor shift-er and the wild-est screamin' mill a-round!
I mean a three eight-y nine, all sup-er tuned to real-ly shut 'em down!

Drag Strip, She don't bluff! On the street, She looks tough!
G - T - O, that's e-nough! List-en to her growl!
She's al-ways on the prowl! Gee-TO Tiger, Go!

She's got a Wide-Track action on a groovy set o' red-line tires!
Trans-ist-or-ized ig-nit-ion -- and a power pack o' three deuce carbs!
And she chews up oth-er cars -- yeah! 426 MoPars!

(Chorus) Drag Strip...

You gotta fasten your seat belts and we'll make it to the drags on time!
We're go-in' huntin' for a Mustang or a dual quad four-oh-nine!
We're gon-na shoot 'em all down 'fore they ev-en get off the line!

(Chorus) Drag Strip...

Listen to her growl! She's always on the prowl! Gee-TO Tiger, Go!
It's funny to listen to. There's backup girls singing "Tiger Tiger" or "Gee Toe Gee Toe" after each line of the song. Notice I said "Gee Toe", not "Gee Tee O." It's strange to hear it pronounced that way.
CLICK-> GeeTo Tiger record The jacket for the special mail order version "GeeTO Tiger" record opens to show six pictures of items mentioned in the song. We got the "Hurst floor shifter", "Transistorized ignition", "Listen to growl" - winding road, "groovy set o' red-line tires", "three eight-y nine" - tripower, and "fasten your seat belts". The reverse side of the record has "Big Sounds of the GeeTO Tiger -- At the GM Proving Grounds." It's a radio conversation between a GTO test driver and the Proving Grounds "control" room. I like this part the best:
"... Control, this is 36. We've just reached black top. Speed 50.
Very little tire noise. Up to 60. Handling perfect. Gonna take 
her up to 70. Were coming to the torsion bumps and washboard now.
I'm getting a little vertical sheet metal shake from the front 
corners of the hood. No dancing though. Slight shock over the wash-
board. Approaching railroad tracks. Rebound normal with slight
bottoming on the tracks..."
People say that the GTO was not a very good handling car. But with the comments above, it looks like Pontiac was satisfied. It then goes on and does some 110mph laps; followed by very loud brake tests; then more acceleration tests; and a 1/4 mile run at 102.5mph in 14.1 seconds.

CLICK-> primered 65 GTO Has viewer comments Len Rosen from Colville, Washington is building up this 1965 LeMans. It's a mild custom with a 400/4bbl now and soon a 455 Tri-power!
CLICK-> primered 65 GTO 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Another view of Len's 1965 LeMans which he has owned since 1999. This one was taken at the July 2003 Rock n' Robin 50s Driv-in Car show in Grand Coulee, Washington.
CLICK-> Blue 65 LeMans Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating 1965 LeMans hardtop owned by Leonard Rosen from Colville, Washington. Leonard painted it Light Quazar Blue. That's a 1994 Chevy pickup truck color. The car is not a clone anymore. Just a 65 LeMans Custom. Len says it has a GTO hood now. He shaved the door handles, antenna, and body seams. There are ghost flames which usually cannot be seen. Still running the Pontiac 400 4-barrel with a shift-kitted 350 turbo tranny. He hopes to have a 455 installed in the near future. Leonard adds, "These shots are of my Pontiac at the 'Lost in the 50s' car show in Sand Point, Idaho on 5/21/05. There were 503 carsat the show. It was an awesome show. Very fun."
CLICK-> Blue 65 LeMans Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Light Quazar Blue 1965 LeMans hardtop with the hood open.
CLICK-> Blue 65 LeMans 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Light Quazar Blue 1965 LeMans hardtop, right rear view.
CLICK-> 65 LeMans with a GTO Hood Close-up of the GTO hood on Len's Light Quazar Blue 1965 LeMans hardtop. There are ghost flames on it. You can just make them out looking farther up on the hood near the windshield.

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1965 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 24 of 85.

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Says Karl Hackathorn (karlhac.@exotrope.net) from Elmira N.Y - "I DONT FLIPPIN BELIEVE IT!! I stumbled on a pict of (my) 1970 GTO. I can't believe I found it on a web site!!"