Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2006 G.T.O. Goats!  All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 8 of 83.
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CLICK-> 68 GTO repainted 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Same 1968 GTO. It was repainted and a black vinly top put on.
CLICK-> 68 GTO apart Same 1968 GTO with the front removed.
CLICK-> 68 GTO sad rear view Same 1968 GTO rear view after many years.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with body off Same 1968 GTO with body removed from frame.

CLICK-> 1968 GTO line art This is a line art drawing of a 1968 GTO. You can capture the full size version off this web page. It is fun to try different paint schemes on your computer screen. Use your drawing program to convert it to a color .JPG if you want to color it in with your flood fill tool. By the way, I've already drawn a GTO in every color that was available in 1968. See the bottom of the page for the Paint Colors menus. There are color paint chips next to a car of each color. It's the first of its kind on the web!

CLICK-> 1968 GTO with doors open 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Ron Hofman (rhofman@rrcc.mb.ca) submitted this picture of his 1968 GTO. The picture was taken in 1973. He and his wife had gone to the beach, and you can see their cooler in the picture, just behind the passenger door. His antenna was on the rear quarterpanel. It is interesting that it was a manual antenna mounted in that location.
CLICK-> 1968 GTO with Marilyn Has viewer comments An earlier photo of Ron's 1968 GTO with his dog Tuffy and his (then) girlfriend, Marilyn.

1968 LeMans on the street in California. It is the subject of a 2008 news report about "people behaving badly" which highlights people breaking laws. Is this evidence of bad people breaking a good law? Or does it show how much we have allowed the government to interfere with private property and free enterprise?

CLICK-> 1968 GTO photo taken in 1986 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Michael Margozzi (margozzi@garlic.com) sent in this 1968 GTO photo which was taken in 1986. Back then you could grab a GTO for $1,000. He still owns this car. Mike was just about to go fishing in the stream in the background. He says the car has gone downhill since this shot. Check out the 67 lot for pictures of Mike's '67 GTO.

CLICK-> 1968 GTO tri-shot 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Matt in Ormond Beach, Florida sent in this 1968 GTO. It has the 400 engine with the 400 Turbo transmission. Hideaway headlights grace the front of this GTO. It also has the His & Hers shifter, power disc front brakes, power steering, tilt wheel, map lite, and deluxe seatbelts. It has Ram Air which was added on. He has all non-Ram Air original parts.

CLICK-> 1968 GTO is Rick's #1 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating The GTO was the Motor Trend Car Of The Year. 1968 began with the GTO winning a major award only two months after it had been introduced. This one has a 400 engine with a 4-barrel Carter AFB carburetor riding on it. There is also an M-40 automatic transmission, power windows, power trunk release, power brakes, power steering, air conditioning, and tilt steering wheel. This one was on Rick's web page.
CLICK-> 1968 GTO is Rick's #2 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Here's the fine front view of the 68 GTO. It looks like Rick drew on a front license plate.
CLICK-> 1968 GTO is Rick's #3 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Here's the right rear view of Rick's 68 GTO.

CLICK-> Bob's 1968 GTO Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Hey, kids! This is Bob's 1968 GTO. Bob lives in Orlando. Orlando is a warm place. Bob is a lucky guy. Bob likes to rev his 400 engine. Kids, can you say GR-RRR? Bob is crazy because he wants to sell this car. Who wants to take this nice car off Bob's hands? Bob's car has drag gears, a cam, and headers. Let's go to the track boys and girls. Bob's car costs $9850 or best offer. Oops. Sean lost Bob's email address. Can you say stupid? Sean is stupid for losing Bob's address.

CLICK-> 1968 LeMans Has viewer comments2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating Here is a 1968 LeMans with a 350 engine and 2-barrel carburetor. The interior is correct except for the addition of a tape player stuffed into the center air conditioning vent. This one was sent in by Johnny B.
CLICK-> 1968 LeMans #2 Take a peek inside Johnny B's 1968 LeMans.

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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 8 of 83.

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Says Jim Korich (korich.@fidnet.com) -"I'm trying to acquire a GTO and your articles on how to spot a fake GTO kept me from buying a LeMans in disguise."