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by Sean Mattingly.
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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 73 of 83.
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CLICK-> 68 GTO Interior The seats are white.

CLICK-> Gold 68 GTO Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating April Gold 1968 GTO hardtop owned by Warren Dale Bickford from Caldwell, Idaho. Warren tells us, "I traded a nice '72 Cutlass for a really rough '68 GTO. No interior, no trans, and a burned out '73 350. The car had been painted flat white and had an Olds rear with 3.08 open gears. I installed a '75 400 turbo 400 with headers, a Summit cam, and an old pb4 intake with a 600 Edelbrock. I built a 3.55 posi. The car ran a 13.99 @ 98 mph at Firebird last year. The entire car was done on a budget - I don't have $8,000 in whole car "
CLICK-> Gold 68 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating April Gold 1968 GTO hardtop, right rear view. It has a disconnect on the rear fender.
CLICK-> 68 GTO Engine Here is the 400ci engine.
CLICK-> 68 GTO Engine Another shot of the Ram Air engine.

CLICK-> Blue 68 GTO Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Alpine Blue 1968 GTO hardtop owned by Mike Smith. Mike says, "I bought my baby off eBay in June of 2009. I'm 59 and recently retired and this was my retirement present to myself. I've loved GTOs since 1964 and promised myself one someday. I didn't know I would have to wait so long, but kids and college came first. I found her in Michigan and had it shipped down to me in SC. The shipper damaged roof quite severely during shipment and it was really a hassle trying to get them to pay for damages, but they finally did. She has a numbers matching 400/4-speed with 3.55 rear. I love the power and torque. Just going thru the gears puts me in a 1960s kind of mood."
CLICK-> Blue 68 GTO 4.8 star rating4.8 star rating4.8 star rating4.8 star rating4.8 star rating Alpine Blue 1968 GTO hardtop, left rear view.
CLICK-> 68 GTO Interior Has viewer comments The interior is black. It has a four speed manual transmission (see the gear pattern above the radio?)

CLICK-> Gold 68 GTO 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Chris Jones owns this gold 1968 GTO hardtop. Chris tells us, "I bought it 15 years ago for 500 bucks. It has a chrome front bumper and was originally pink with a white vinyl top and white interior. If anyone has any info on the pink exterior I would like to hear it. It still is a work in progress."
CLICK-> Gold 68 GTO 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Another shot of Chris and his gold 1968 GTO hardtop.

CLICK-> No More Pontiac Has viewer comments Here is an article from Tuesday, April 28, 2009. It's an announcement of Pontiac's demise, as seen in the Business section of the Denver Post. The article talks about a couple of highlights for Pontiac over the years. The most important being the introduction of the GTO in 1964 - Of course! It shows a 68 GTO hardtop instead of a 1964. The GTO is mentioned under John DeLorean's contribution. It only mentions the Firebird and Trans Am once. The GTO is highlighted more in this interesting article!

CLICK-> Tan 68 GTO 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Joshua Shultz from Clay Center Kansas owns this one family 1968 GTO hardtop. It has Jade shading. Joshua tells us more, "My Dad special ordered this car in 1968 when he was in Vietnam. I inherited it from him. It came factory with the 400 Ram Air II round port engine, the M22 Muncie 4-spd, and 4.33 Posi-Trac." Check out the GTOs? in the background.
CLICK-> Tan 68 GTO 2.4 star rating2.4 star rating2.4 star rating2.4 star rating2.4 star rating Champaign 1968 GTO hardtop, right front view down low.
CLICK-> Tan 68 GTO 2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating Champaign 1968 GTO hardtop, left rear view.
CLICK-> 68 GTO Engine Joshua continues, "Everything except the headers & ignition are numbers matching. Mallory Unilite ignition and Hooker Super Competition headers." It has manual brakes and manual steering!

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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 73 of 83.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Gill Hanna (gghanna.@adelphia.net) - "WAY COOL! Am considering an '04 GTO. Used to own a '67 HT - was struck by a drunk river...car totaled."