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by Sean Mattingly.
1968 GTO Hardtop Parking Lot
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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 7 of 83.
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CLICK-> White 68 LeMans 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating White 1968 LeMans hardtop owned by German Lopez from Orosi, California. German tells us, "I got this car when I was fourteen back in 2004. I admit it was a mess. It needed help from the ground up. This is how the car looked like before I got it painted. Now it looks sick."
CLICK-> White 68 LeMans White 1968 LeMans hardtop, rear end view. It has a set of Hedman Elite Jet-Coated headers with a 2 1/2 inch Coffin exhaust all the way to the back.
CLICK-> White 68 LeMans White 1968 LeMans hardtop, right rear view.
CLICK-> Cheby Engine Has viewer comments It has a Chevy engine - but German adds, "I am in the process of replacing it with a 350 Pontiac that'll be pushing about 400hp+, thanks to Proformance Unlimited. This motor still has a lot of balls with the upgrades I have added recently, I decided to test this motor on one of my buddy's 1970 Boss 302. The guy never had a chance, by the time he cleared out of my trail of dust, I was already waiting for him at the finish line."
CLICK-> Red 68 LeMans 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating German Lopez repainted his 1968 LeMans hardtop red and black. German tells us, "I gotta say ole Bobbi Jo turned out amazin. She's been in this condition for about three years now I'd say. Same baby I've had for five years now since August 10th 2004, she's custom inside and out. The paint job and interior courtesy of Custom Interiors and Paints is more than I could have imagined. The attention to detail is great from the ghost flames in the fat race stripe to the immaculate polished finish on the US Mags. I'm gonna have to sell her which is a big shame, times change and it might not be fair but I'll always have the good times and memories at heart."
CLICK-> Red 68 LeMans 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Front end view of German's now red and black 1968 LeMans.
CLICK-> 68 LeMans Interior The interior is red and black as well!

CLICK-> 1968 GTO is red Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating 1968 GTO hardtop red and looks like a red interior. It has Rally I wheels, hideaway headlights, and a hood tach.

CLICK-> 68 GTO with graduate 2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating First of many pictures of a 1968 GTO with graduate.
CLICK-> 68 GTO steering wheel Has viewer comments 1968 GTO interior view showing driver's side dash.
CLICK-> 68 GTO 8-track Has viewer comments Same 1968 GTO with large underdash 8-track player. See it bolted under the right side of the dash. This was a home unit converted for the car by bypassing the 120-volt transformer inside it. This was done in 1976 or so.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with gold stripes 2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating The same 1968 GTO now shows off some custom stripes.
CLICK-> 68 GTO rear stripe 2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating Rear view of the 1968 GTO with custom stripes.
CLICK-> 68 GTO engine 1968 GTO engine. It has been modified from stock with a yellow Accel coil, yellow plug wires, Holley carburetor, tall valve cover hold-down wingbolts, and red heater hose.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with driver. 1968 GTO with driver.

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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 7 of 83.

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Says Joe in Detroit - "It would be nice to run across more webpages like yours, as thorough and packed full of cool pix and info."