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by Sean Mattingly.
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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 52 of 83.
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CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Blue 1968 GTO hardtop, interior view. It's blue! Holes in the floor, tears in the seat, and a big hole for the aftermarket radio.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Shot of the floor next to the passenger side seat. Looks like the entire floor pan will require replacement.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments It's an older "tall" Ford radio. But the dash was cut up pretty badly to get it installed. There is a toggle switch installed under the dash. I wonder what that does? - Nitrous, flame thrower out the back, ejection seat? Despite all the modifications, the dash area can be returned to stock condition in a couple weekends. The most expensive part could be the dash pad. It is nearly impossible to locate an uncracked original dash pad. There is a company called "Just Dashes" that can re-mold and re-cover a dash pad so it looks brand new. There may also be a restoration company that recently started selling new pads. Might have to check that out.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Let's peek under the dash. Lots of wires pulled out everywhere.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential So, what do we have under the hood? A new voltage regulator! As bad as it looks, the engine compartment is fairly complete. It will take some time to clean and put the proper finishes back on the metal parts.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Looks like the engine still retains many of the original parts. The carb has some varnish built up on it. It can be rebuilt, the valve covers can be cleaned up, the dirt and grime can be removed.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments A peek at the fan. Look how many power wires are routed from the battery.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Shot of the master cylinder. This one has power steering. Look how "gray" the power steering reservoir is. It's covered in dried fluid. One of the power steering hoses probably leaks.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Shot down the other side of the engine. The car has no air conditioning. See the aqua-colored overspray on the fenderwell. I'm guessing that at some point, this car was repainted Meridian Turquoise.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential You can see the windshield washer fluid bottle. All of the hoses for that system are missing from the car. They are inexpensive to replace. The rubber hose is sold by the foot at most "real" auto parts stores.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Let's look in the trunk. The car was BLUE!
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential Another shot of the trunk. Some interior parts are back here. The trunk seal is gone. Looks like a crack over the rear wheel. In the lower part of the photo. you can see the original console inner storage box. So the car likely had a console in it.
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Potiential The other side of the trunk is about the same. There is an old carpet covering the floor. The seat belts are here.

CLICK-> Blue 68 GTO Hardtop Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Aqua blue 1968 GTO hardtop owned by Julio from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Julio adds, "I just bought this baby from California and am doing my best to make her a show GTO! I hope you enjoy the pics."
CLICK-> Blue 68 GTO Hardtop Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Aqua blue 1968 GTO hardtop, right side view.

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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 52 of 83.

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Says Nick (ahlin.@prodigy.net) - "Just seeing my car on your site is better than viagra..lol! thanks again and again Sean you rule the GTO pic world hard bro!"