Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2006 G.T.O. Goats!  All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 34 of 83.
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CLICK-> Green 68 GTO 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Verdoro Green 1968 GTO hardtop, right rear view.

CLICK-> $800 GTO Has viewer comments Chris Terpstra bought this car in Florida for $800. The ad said: 68 GTO, Good parts car, 400 eng, 400 turbo trans. has nose, head assm, trim etc. black interior in good shape (bench seat) Body a little ruff. $800.00 firm. The car was originally April Gold. It has a 1974 Pontiac engine which doesn't run right now. A full restoration is planned after college.
CLICK-> $800 GTO $800 GTO picked fresh from Florida.
CLICK-> $800 GTO This is a 1974 Pontiac engine.
CLICK-> $800 GTO Here's the interior in Chris's find.
CLICK-> $800 GTO Loading her up!
CLICK-> $800 GTO $800 GTO ready to travel. I'd like to have a goat hauling truck like that. Wow.
CLICK-> $800 GTO Has viewer comments The trunk was full of parts. This is like a treasure chest for the car builder. I see Maxwell House rusty bolts. Who doesn't have a tin can full of those? I think every used car I've ever bought comes with Maxwell House rusty bolts. I see the 1968 plastic grilles in there, plus hard-to-find wheelwell trim pieces. So much treasure!

CLICK-> 68 GTO? Has viewer comments3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Fast red 1968 GTO owned by Ed from Altoona, Pennsylvania. He paid $700 for it. He rebuilt the 455 Olds engine that was in it twice before moving to a 455 Pontiac engine bored .060 and balanced, with 1968 400 heads. He broke the 10 bolt posi rear end four times and now has a Mopar rear with 4:10 gears. I'm wondering if the VIN is correct. It has Tempest or Custom "S" tail lights, a post, and no GTO emblems.
CLICK-> s m o k i n ! Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Ed's 1968 smok'in those bologna skins. If only we could hear the sound from this awesome burnout. Or smell the rubber burning. Makes the heart pound faster just thinking about it. A good burnout always brings a smile to my face. If you have burnout pictures of your car, feel free to send them in. Even better, send in some small videos with sound. They have proven to be popular with website visitors. The more the better. Sure, video files take up a lot of space and bandwidth, but who cares, this site rules the Internet! Lets use up all the earth's Internet resources to do some eyeball-watering smoky burnouts!!!

CLICK-> 68 GTO in pieces Michael Williams of Peoria Illinois also has this white 1968 GTO hardtop. His 72 LeMans is pictured in our 1972 lot. Here's the story as Michael tells it, "She doesn't look like much but I received this car all in pieces along with a 68 Tempest I used as a parts car. I just had to have a GTO. I wanted one since I had my 72 LeMans. Some pics are from when I just purchased the car and some from when I put a new trunklid on while out in storage. The fenders that are on the car are junk. I have good fenders not on the car. The only major rust is behind the rear window. (Which I cut a solid piece from the Tempest) The rest of the car is solid with some minor door dings. Any other rust you see is just minor surface rust from sitting outside the shop. Most I can take off with just rubbing it. Interior is there but will need all redone. I plan on a mean little 400 for the car along with a 4-speed."
CLICK-> 68 GTO resto Michael has the new fenders on his 68 GTO here. Engine? Is there an engine? Michael does not seem to care.
CLICK-> 68 with 70 stripes Has viewer comments Another shot of the car with the new fenders. This GTO has some interesting 70's stripes on it.
CLICK-> 68 GTO resto Has viewer comments Side view of Michael's white 68 GTO project. The three-color custom stripes are visible in this photo.
CLICK-> 68 GTO resto New trunk lid!

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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 34 of 83.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Joshua MacCormack (jmac052880.@yahoo.com) - "Its nice to know a site like this exists, to see a lot of what people do to their GTO's, and they are beautiful."