Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2006 G.T.O. Goats!  All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 3 of 83.
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CLICK-> Junked 68 GTO Has viewer comments Here's another view of the first orange 1968 GTO hardtop in this Dayton, Ohio lot. The front bumper and probably the engine are missing.

CLICK-> Junked 68 GTO This lot has another orange 1968 GTO in it. That might be a white 70-72 GTO convertible next to it. You can see it better from another picture of the gold 1965 Tempest wagon beyond it.

CLICK-> 68 and 69 GTO parts Has viewer comments Ya gotta have lotsa parts! This composition shows some parts available on the Internet. See a Judge body, some doors, and some GTO frames stacked up...

CLICK-> 68 white GTO on trailer Has viewer comments2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating This mean white '68 is ready for racing. It has many modifications from stock.

CLICK-> Mag ad This is a magazine ad showing '64 through '68 GTO models. At the bottom it says "There's only one Great One. We've been proving it for five years."

CLICK-> 68 blue goat Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Shiny 1968 blue goat waits for the car show judges. This photo has been hanging on my refrigerator for many years. I was considering painting my '68 car this color.

CLICK-> 68 GTO front end Has viewer comments3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Nose to nose with a '68 Goat with hideaways. This moving image was animated by Steve Flowers (cflowers@mnu.edu). Note: You're looking at the full-size image. You can save it directly if you want to.

CLICK-> 68 black GTO smokes tires! 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating I got brave and carried my camera right up to the edge of the pavement at the drag strip. This 1968 black GTO is smoking the tires!

CLICK-> 1968 data decoder. 1968 GTO data decoder chart in black and white. Now you can look up your paint colors, trim codes, etc according to your Protect-O-Plate.

CLICK-> 68 GTO in action! Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating 1968 GTO in its natural habitat. It blasts down the road! The background is a blur.

CLICK-> 68 GTO has a tilt-up hood Has viewer comments 68 GTO has a customized tilt-up fiberglass hood with painted-on flames. This shot was taken at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in the 80's. This car was also spotted at a World Of Wheels show in the Indianapolis Convention Center. It always had a For Sale sign in it. It wasn't until April of 2001 that I knew who ended up with the car. 18 year-old Mike Johnson from Valparaiso, Indiana says he bought the GTO with the tilt front end. He says: "Seeing this is a shocker to me because I had just bought this car on Thursday April 16 2001. I found it in the Indiana Auto & RV magazine and thought it would be cool to go see it. I got there to see it and I fell in love. The car is beauitful and only has about 31,000 miles! The killer part was that the guy wanted the motor and transmission. So, I got the body and chassis. It was in a garage in Logansport, Indiana. It's a great car, but there is not a motor or transmission. That is my big project to start on now. The car is still the same color and has the flames, the interior is black vinyl (which is in perfect condition), it has 31,000 miles on the body. The door handles are shaved along with the locks. The hood still tilts, along with a fiberglass trunk lid and rear bumper. Also, it has a 12bolt posi, four link, and coil-overs. The front brakes were converted to 4 piston disc brakes. Finaly, it has a Grant GT stearing wheel and a 4 point roll cage. The paint is going to be redone, but it will be as close to the color and flame job as possible!!"
Mike updates us as of June 2001:
"Right now it still looks the same as in the picture on the web page but different rims and the fiberglass is a little chewed up but not that bad (not an eye sore or anything). I got a big block motor for it and a Richmond 6sp trans. I hope to run it on the strip by the middle or end of summer."
CLICK-> 68 GTO for sale ad Has viewer comments2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating Here is the picture and ad for when it was for sale, "1968 PONTIAC GTO. Perfect body w/32,000 mi., 427 ci, 425 hp., Muncie 4 sp., 12 bolt posi, beautiful car. $8,500. Rolling $5,500. Logansport, IN."
CLICK-> 68 flamejob! Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Mike Johnson sent me these additional pictures of his car. In the 80's, THIS is the car that helped peak my interest in GTOs. At the time, I was impressed by the customizations done to it. I had seen few cars with a tilt front end, and this one was particularly cool because IT was a GTO. I had snapped some photos of it at the Indianapolis "World Of Wheels" car show, but they did not turn out. Little did I know, it would take 18 years before I would get to see it again!
CLICK-> engine Has viewer comments Here's the engine under the flip-top fiberglass hood of Mike Johnson's 68 GTO. Pay no attention to the wording on the valve cover. Here are some of Sean's book recommendations...

CLICK-> 68 Verdoro Green GTO with doors open 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Verdoro Green 1968 GTO at the 1987 GTO meet in Ohio.

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1968 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 3 of 83.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Jace T Venable (fickstigure.@militarynow.com) - "I'm 25 and was born well after the GTO days but when Dazed and Confused came out I fell in love with the 1970 Judge. There's something really neat about older Detroit Muscle that will always be immortal. I'm scoping for a Goat and hope to add one to our collection."