Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2006 G.T.O. Goats!      All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1966 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 62 of 75.
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CLICK-> Burgundy 66 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Burgundy 1966 GTO hardtop owned by Janet Bodin from Wisconsin. It's a numbers matching PHS documented Tri-Power.

CLICK-> Vintage Photo Has viewer comments Check out this vintage photo of Nathan Wallace's Dad's Fontaine Blue 1966 GTO hardtop. Nathan adds, "The photo of the '66 and my parents was taken around 1970. Unfortunately, my Dad sold the '66 to my uncle just before I was born in 1973. The car was hit by train - uncle was not injured but sadly the GTO was totaled." Here is Nathan's 1965 hardtop.

CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating This is the only 1966 Pontiac GTO to run in Competition on the NASCAR Grand Circuit from 1966 to 1969. This car was originally built by Bobby Allison and Associates. It was raced only twice by Bobby bearing the number 12 and painted this gold and red with the Coca-Cola sponsorship. The car was then sold to HB Bailey of Houston, Texas. He painted the car gold and black and changed the number to 36. It was crashed at Darlington and sold to Roy Tyner of Red Springs, North Carolina. Roy converted the car to a 1967 by changing the rear clip and the front grilles. He painted the car white with red numbers 9 (and sometimes 09). After engine failure the GTO was retired after a total of 33 Grand National Races and 6,576 laps of competition. The car never won a Grand National Race and the highest it finished was 4th. The car was then sold to Herb Houston of Rapseburg, Mayland in 1971. The car was put back together with the help of Smokey Yunick. Its number was changed to 24 and competed in NASCAR late Model Sportsman races at Beltsville Speedway from 1971 until the track closed in 1979. The car made occasional trips to Manassas, VA and Langley Field, VA, two trips to Concord, NC and one trip to Martinsville, VA, but Beltsville was 'home track'.
CLICK-> Vintage NASCAR 1966 GTO Photo Has viewer comments The 1966 GTO back in the day with Bobby Allison?
CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating The other side is painted gold/black and bears the HB Bailey #24.
CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating The car in its native setting. The Track! It is seen here on "The Magic Mile" at New Hampshire International Speedway, New England's largest sports facility and home of professional motorsports in the Northeast. The track is located on Route 106 in Loudon, NH, ten miles northeast of Concord; the state capital. One of the more unique features at NHIS are the 4 helipads located in the infield area adjacent to pit road. The helipads facilitate corporate executives visiting NHIS with helicopter service connecting area general aviation facilities and the speedway.
CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO The engine compartment has some of the typical items seen on a race car of the era. Notice the routing of the heater hose. It does not go to a car heater! No need for that.
CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO Small tank in the trunk.
CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO Has viewer comments This one has a very comprensive roll cage inside. Only need one seat.
CLICK-> NASCAR 1966 GTO Has viewer comments The dash bezel is a factory part. The gauges and controls are not.

CLICK-> Red 66 GTO Convertible 4.3 star rating4.3 star rating4.3 star rating4.3 star rating4.3 star rating Check out this red 1966 GTO convertible owned by Bengt W from Sweden. Nice!

CLICK-> 66 GTO Project Has viewer comments Cars in Barns? How about a car next to a barn? Patrick Brady found this car sitting in a horse pasture. It was originally a Carolina car. He has the original 1970 title. Patrick is doing a frame-off restoration.
CLICK-> 66 GTO Project Has viewer comments Rear view of Patrick's barnyard find.
CLICK-> 66 GTO Project Has viewer comments It has a white interior.
CLICK-> 66 GTO Project Patrick has the front clip removed.

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1966 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 62 of 75.

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Says Jim Parrott (j_parrott.@enovationgraphics.com) - "Your site keeps me young and my memory strong. Keep the GTO name alive. Greatest source for GTO cars and parts I have found."