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2008 GTO Concept Parking Lot
by Sean Mattingly.
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You've seen the 2004, 2005, and 2006 GTOs. Now it's your chance! What do you want the future GTO to look like? Draw it, Upload it, and we might post it below.

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2008 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 1 of 1.
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CLICK-> Shawn's Concept #1 Has viewer comments Shawn Sullivan shows us what kind of GTO he wants to see in 2008. He's taken the 2004 Woodward Concept and changed the spoiler and front bumper, added more hood scoops and side pipes. What do you think? Todd adds, "I own an 05 and see so much potential. I don't now why the old look die hards are so resistant to an all American drive train(400 hp @ 5500 rpm) in a good looking donater body. I do get comments that it looks, and with it's sound, maybe it's a M3 BMW. Of course my comment is, 'No, I need more power and performance than that.' " Shawn has also drawn some 2007 concepts. Click here to see them using our Advanced Picture Searcher loaded with year=2007, model=GTO, and owner=Shawn Sullivan.
CLICK-> Shawn's Concept #2 Has viewer comments Another of Shawn Sullivan's concept GTOs. Shawn modifed Todd Smith's 2006 GTO with side pipes and a modified lower front bumper.

CLICK-> George's Concept Has viewer comments Take a look at this one! George Loizou designed this concept 2008 GTO. George does this for a living. Is this great or what? It has a grille similar to the 1969 GTO with hidden headlights. Please leave comments below.

CLICK-> 2008 GTO Concept Drawing Has viewer comments This version of the 2008 GTO was created by Micah with a graphics editing program. The concept started with a shot of the 2004 Woodward Concept Car. Micah lowered the roof, widened the side air extractors, raised the hood scoops, and added long chrome exhaust tips. Do you like it? Please feel free to leave your comments below in the "Comments" section.

CLICK-> Manoah's Concept Has viewer comments A site visitor sent us this 2008 GTO Judge Concept. It is designed by Manoah Van Der Wolf and features an orange paint scheme with stripes over the wheels like the 1970 Judge, a rear deck lid spoiler, and (of course) a set of hood scoops. This one even appears to be a true hardtop - where the side glass (door and rear quarter) can be rolled down to form one unobstructed opening.
CLICK-> Manoah's Concept Has viewer comments Rear view of what Manoah's concept GTO Judge looks like.

CLICK-> Larry's 2008 Concept #1 Has viewer comments NEW POST In early 2006, Larry Williams of Williams Graphics was playing with several designs for the next generation GTO. On this version, he added horizontal bars to the grille. For comparison, there is an inset view of a 1964 GTO. What do you think of the design? This image is copyright (c) 2006 Larry Williams and used here with permission. You can see all of Larry Williams' artwork by clicking on the Advanced Picture Searcher loaded with Condition=artwork and Owner=Larry Williams.
CLICK-> Larry's 2008 Concept #1 Has viewer comments NEW POST Here is another potential GTO design created by Larry Williams in January of 2006. He did this rendering about the same time that GM was showing off the 2009 Camaro concept car. Larry's GTO design just might accomodate the Camaro platform's dimensions. Here is what Larry said, "This one might ruffle some feathers. This is based on a concept I started more than a year ago [2004 or so]. This one could easily be built on the new Camaro platform. In fact it's amazing how close the overall proportions are. I like the masculine, aggressive stance of this design. The tall body, short green house look works well I think. It's not 'retro' but the front end does draw influence from the '64-65 GTO. Hope you enjoy!"

CLICK-> 2008 Has viewer comments Ed White shares with us his vision of what a future GTO should look like. Ed explains, "This is my fifth 'new GTO' concept. After seeing that truer retro styling is now acceptable (see new Mustang), I did it again with the GTO. Actually, I started out with a '66 and updated from there. Nothing is interchangable between new and old except the mind's eye. Having owned a '67 since '85 and growing up with a '66 convertible since I was three years old, I know ALL the GTO's design flaws. The new concept won't have those. As you can see, the nose and tail have the flexible 5-mph treatment yet the separation lines follow the original's. No more rusted quarters. I put LEDs in the side marker, parking and brake lights and restyled the body by pulling the passenger area rearward by about 5 inches to allow the top profile to flatten out." Click here to see other drawings from Ed White using the Advanced Picture Searcher loaded with condition=artwork and owner=Ed White. Stay tuned for more of Ed's work as future Pictures Of The Week.

CLICK-> 2008 Has viewer comments If Pontiac came out with this for the 2008 GTO, would you purchase it? This is Ed White's vision of what a future GTO should look like. Drawn in 2004, it shows a front end resembling a 65-67 GTO with its stacked headlights and grille style. This is a hardtop version of his blue concept which was Picture Of The Week earlier in 2006. Ed explains, "This is number six. I did this one right after the blue hardtop. You can see a little more of the interior on this rendering. Wrap-around dash, leather wrapped wheel and '65 seat pattern. The front clip is also better viewed showing the composite headlights and single bulb LED parking lights. I brought the scoop closer to the front where it'll actually scoop air. The wheels are a little different than the blue car's; both are six hole like the Rally I's, these being circular and the blue ones being elliptical, but both have the same center section like the originals." Click here to see other drawings from Ed White using the Advanced Picture Searcher loaded with condition=artwork and owner=Ed White.
CLICK-> 2008 Has viewer comments A view of just the side - only bigger! Ed calls this color Sunrise Orange.

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2008 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 1 of 1.

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