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2007 GTO Concept Parking Lot
by Sean Mattingly.
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You've seen the 2004, 2005, and 2006 GTOs. Now it's your chance! What do you want the future GTO to look like? Draw it, Upload it, and we might post it below.

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2007 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 1 of 2.
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CLICK-> Dale's Concept Has viewer comments Dale Gibson drew this version of what he desires the 2007 GTO to look like. Dale explains, "I did this very quick sketch immediately upon seeing that Pontiac is lost in the wilderness as far as styling on their resurrected icon. This should be the new face of the GTO. It uses both retro elements and newer design aspects. My thought before starting was what would it look like now if production had continued. Like I said, this was very quick just to establish the 'face' so proportions are not exact. If I have time, I plan to follow up with more drawings in detail."

CLICK-> Adam's 2007 GTO Concept Has viewer comments Adam Wehrer went to work with his graphics program. He slightly modified the George Barris 2004 GTO roadster. He added hideaway headlights and got rid of body seams to make it a flip top hood.

CLICK-> Dane's Concept Has viewer comments Using a photo of a 2005 GTO as a base, Dane from Queensland Australia gives us his version of the GTO for 2007. Dane adds, "I think the front end looks nicer than the current GTO that you have. It looks sharper to me and it's really only a simple change to the front end. The black stripe gives it some edge. What do you think?"

CLICK-> Chad's GTO Concept Has viewer comments Here is Chad's vision of what the 2007 GTO should look like. Chad tells us more, "This car started as numerous sketches. I couldn't stop there, so I used some graphic programs to bring it to life. I always loved the 69-70 Judge models so I did two versions, this happens to be the 69. Taking features that are visibly reconizable I kept it as retro as possible - but, nowadays you need safety. So I added a bumper in the front which made the grille a lot more challenging to signify the overbite look the later model had. The scoop was added on the side to add a high performance look. In the back I had various ideas for the light placement but this layout seemed to fit the best."
CLICK-> Chad's GTO Concept Has viewer comments Here is a close-up of the left front view of Chad's vision for the future of the GTO. This is the Judge version. If not for 2007 Chad is thinking this would be nice for 2009 (the 40th anniversary of the Judge). Might be do-able. Feel free to leave some comments below.
CLICK-> Chad's GTO Concept Has viewer comments Chad's orange 2007 Judge concept, left rear view. Nice!
CLICK-> Chad's GTO Concept Has viewer comments Chad's orange 2007 Judge concept, right side view. This one has old style door latches and a power antenna. He put different rims on this side of the car. Those look like the same rims that come with the 04-06 GTO. Except maybe 18 inch diameter.

CLICK-> Mohammed's concept Has viewer comments Mohammed Diab from Kuwait tries his hand at designing the 2007 GTO. He's got the twin hood scoops, a split front grille, and a tall rear.

CLICK-> Gary's Concept Has viewer comments Here is Gary's concept of a 2007 Judge. He pulled the hood scoops to the front of the hood and added Judge stripes and decals.

CLICK-> A Blanch's Concept Has viewer comments An Australian named A. Blanch shows his concept of a future GTO. He added some "fluted fenders and a bonnet scoop" to a picture of a Monaro GTO.

CLICK-> Ed's Conceptt Has viewer comments Can Ed make a good thing better? This is Ed White's vision of a future GTO. He drew this back in 2003. Ed explains, "When Pontiac showed us the new GTO, I (like the rest of us) was a bit let down. I have respect for them as muscle (type) cars but they will always be the foster children of the Goat family. I did my best to make a Goat out of the new GTO with this rendering from early '03. The idea is take '64 design ques and apply them to the '04. That means twin hood scoops with chrome openings, separated by the '64 beak that runs down into the facia separating enlarged grille openings also trimed similar to the '64. In the back, I raised the spoiler, added appliques (made from billet and red lens) to the taillights that remind one of '64 taillights and dual split exhaust. Then I lowered it two inches and put the 'GTO' on the correct side of the trunk. FYI, this rendering is published in Popular Hot Rodding October '03 and Elite Streets Magazine April '04." Notice how the exhausts actually exit out the sides with splitters.

CLICK-> Shawn's GTO Concept Has viewer comments Shawn Sullivan sent in his concept of the 2007 GTO. Shawn calls it, "A 2004-71 concept for those people who wish GM was like Ford with it's rehashing old looks." It certainly is a mix of cars into one. Reminds me of this homorous 2004 GTO Concept by Andy Ryan. Andy's mix is a real Frankenstein of a car. It even has the "Bride of Frankenstein" pictured next to it.
CLICK-> Shawn's GTO Concept #2 Has viewer comments Here is another concept GTO from Shawn Sullivan. This one combines a 2005 GTO with the front grilles of a 1967 LeMans. I bet it was this 1967 LeMans. This is Shawn's description, "2005 with a graphite nose and 20" rims, funtional hood scoops as cold airintake to a supercharger, ceramic coated headers to Flowmaster exhaust and dual 4" tips, 3.5" aluminum driveshaft, added swaybars, and harder springs. It is a GTO 6.0 T6 2007 Judge Concept. Added cost to car is $20,000. Total cost $51,900 which is still under a BMW M5 or a Z06 but with more bite."
CLICK-> Shawn's Concept #3 Has viewer comments Shawn has been listening to the comments on his previous GTO concepts and came up with this version. This one combines the front of a 1968/69 GTO. Shawn explains more, "This one has the big rear spoiler as requested by viewer. Also the wide rear stance that I think my GTO needs."

CLICK-> 2007 Has viewer comments Ed White sends us his rendition of what a future GTO should look like. This is a two seater convertible version painted Late Sunset Orange. Ed tells us more, "I own Fast Eddy's Hot Rod Art and have GTO DNA in my blood. This is actually the fourth 'new GTO' concept I've come up with. (The first three were done in the '80s and are MIA) I took this car to supercar status by making it a two seater, 400 hp, 200 mph roadster. Styling ques abound with the '67 grille, stacked headlights, '65-7 hood, '66 taillights, and coke bottle shape. The backup lights are repop '67 parking light housings." Way cool! Leave some comments and tell us what you think. Ed drew this in 2001, long before any rumors of the GTO resurrection in 2004.

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2007 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 1 of 2.

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Says Tom Houle (mysterious1.@sprynet.com) - "You were kind enough to send me a great and extremely helpful e-mail message with numerous GTO sites on it. I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciated your help...locating a beautiful blue `67 GTO, original 400 YS motor, original Hurst Dual Gate Automatic which I drove home. I have been smiling ever since!"