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by Sean Mattingly.
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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 72 of 95.
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CLICK-> Blue 70 LeMans Electron Blue 1970 LeMans hardtop owned by Dixie Deb from the Hills of Virginia. Deb tells us more, "I took this picture the day I found this classic in my friend's front yard. I immediately called him asking details and he said he had found it for me! (My love of hot-rods and Pontiacs is well known) Before dark I had reimbursed him and driven 'Rebel' home. He rumbles along sooo nicely and turns heads everywhere we roam! I've seen very few LeMans with the painted bumpers but really like the look. Still lots to do including a GTO spoiler but I am loving every minute!"

CLICK-> Silver 70 Judge with Potiential Has viewer comments This is how Mike Foust's Palladium Silver 1970 Judge looked when he purchased it. Mike tells us more, "I bought this car from a good friend of mine. It was in storage since 1983. I promised him I would have it restored properly, so he sold it to me. Since the car was so original I had it professionally restored."
CLICK-> Silver 70 Judge Project The body is taken off the frame. The frame is stripped of parts and paint. Then the frame is powder coated for a lasting finish. The problem with original factory paint is longevity. The factory paints are not made to last for 30 years of rain and salt and snow. On many classic GTOs, the paint on the undercarriage showed signs of rust after the first year of ownership. You can see some of the interior parts in the background.
CLICK-> 70 Judge Project The Ram Air III engine was balanced and blueprinted. Here it is installed back into the frame. Everything has been cleaned and painted.
CLICK-> 70 Judge Project Radiator support is intalled. The fender wells, pulleys and all of the other black parts were powder coated.
CLICK-> Silver 70 Judge with Potiential The restoration work is evident in the brake area. This is more than just a cosmetic restoration.
CLICK-> 70 Judge Project Has viewer comments The freshly painted body was placed back onto the frame. The car is being prepared for transport and final assembly.
CLICK-> Silver 70 Judge Has viewer comments4.4 star rating4.4 star rating4.4 star rating4.4 star rating4.4 star rating And it is now complete. Looks great. What do you think? Leave a comment.
CLICK-> Silver 70 Judge Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Here is the restored Palladium Silver 1970 Judge hardtop. How many hours do you think went into this restoration?
CLICK-> Da Judge The fender decals show you this car is "The Judge". The Rally II wheels have red centers and red lug nuts.
CLICK-> Judge Glows The Judge stripes reflect in low light.

CLICK-> Pepper Green 70 GTO Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Pepper Green 1970 GTO hardtop with Sport Stripe owned by Paul S from New Jersey. Which one would you choose? I always pick the one in white. MMmmm! The car! I'm talking about the CAR! Paul adds, "I bought this car off the second owner 12 years ago. I spent many hours with my friends rebuilding her piece by piece. The original engine was just rebuilt, all new suspension, new interior, and she was painted five years ago. I added the 69 Judge stripe which was an option in 70 called the Sport Stripe. I also added a little custom stripe on the hood and 400 on the scoops. I love this car more than anything and plan to keep her till I die. I've owned many Pontiacs over the years but this one is the best!"
CLICK-> Pepper Green 70 GTO Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Pepper Green 1970 GTO hardtop parked next to his friend's light blue 1968 Tempest ohc-6 hardtop. Here you can see the extra yellow stripes Paul added to the side of the hood scoops.
CLICK-> Pepper Green 70 GTO 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Pepper Green 1970 GTO hardtop with the hood open.

CLICK-> Barn Find Has viewer comments Mark Delano found this makeshift garage in Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona is the land of zero rust! There were a couple of cars in it that have been sitting in there for over 20 years. Check out the next pictures to see what he found.

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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 72 of 95.

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