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by Sean Mattingly.
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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 70 of 95.
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CLICK-> 70 GTO with Potential Has viewer comments Cardinal Red 1970 GTO hardtop, right rear view. The rear bumper looks undented. The lower window chrome was removed. Probably to check for rust as this is a common location for rust to accumulate.
CLICK-> 70 GTO with Potential Rear fender looks good. I don't see any rust bubbling through the paint around the rear wheel opening or lower quarter.
CLICK-> 70 GTO with Potential Has viewer comments Interior looks all there but needs some work. The plastic seat backs are white. That's strange. I wonder what control that is below the air vent way over by the passeneger side of the dash? There's a round silver thing with a rocker switch next to it.

CLICK-> Yellow 1970 GTO Convertible 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Sierra Yellow 1970 GTO convertible owned by Rich Murdoch from Oakdale, California. Rich tells us more, "I bought this car from an eBay seller two and a half years ago. It was 'ready for paint', according to the seller. Once I got into this car, it was so full of rust I ended up doing a full frame off restoration. I removed all the rust, replaced floor pans, etc. etc. Two and a half years later, it's a pretty clean car. It's a 1970 convertible automatic and full numbers match."
CLICK-> Yellow 1970 GTO Convertible 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Sierra Yellow 1970 GTO convertible, front end view.
CLICK-> Yellow 1970 GTO Convertible 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Sierra Yellow 1970 GTO convertible, right front view.
CLICK-> Yellow 1970 GTO Convertible 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Sierra Yellow 1970 GTO convertible, left rear view.
CLICK-> 1970 GTO Interior It has a black interior. It's easy to get nice shots of the interior of a convertible GTO. It's always nice and bright when the top is down.
CLICK-> 1970 GTO Interior Has viewer comments It has an interesting climate control. Looks like an aftermarket air conditioner.

CLICK-> Red 70 GTO Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Right-hand-drive Red 1970 GTO hardtop owned by Alex Zehentner from Australia. Alex tells us more, "It took five years to do a complete rebuild with lots of parts; Summit, OPG, Performance Years, and Year One. It has 454 Chevy; 12/1 pistons, cam is on inlet is 0.619" and 0.585" on ex, M40 trans, 3800 4200 TCI converter, 9-inch Detroit locker 31 spline axles, 3.50 gears. I am going to put a Pontiac engine back in it one day - 400 or 455. It was in poor state when I got it 12 years ago. It had a bad conversion to right hand drive so I did it again using Holden parts from hq/wb series. They used GM body parts to build this cars in Australia. Steering is good. It is now safe to drive. The wheels are of HJ Holden. I am waiting for Weld Wheels and tyres from Summit Racing to get here from the US. They don't build cars like this anymore. I visit your site everyday when I can. I am going to drag it at the local strip next summer. It should run in the 11 second bracket. Muscle cars are popular in Australia. A friend of mine has a 69 GTO Royal Bobcat. It is a very good car. Your web site is great."
CLICK-> Red 70 GTO Has viewer comments3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Right-hand-drive Red 1970 GTO hardtop, left front view. It is sitting next to a close relative, an old left-hand-drive Firebird.
CLICK-> Red 70 GTO Right-hand-drive Red 1970 GTO hardtop, right front view.
CLICK-> Red 70 GTO Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Right-hand-drive Red 1970 GTO hardtop parked next to a 1967 Pontiac Firebird.
CLICK-> Right Hand Drive Here is a shot of that right-hand-drive conversion.

CLICK-> Blue 70 GTO 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Blue 1970 GTO hardtop owned by Dennis from Bakersfield, Califorina. Dennis has this to share, "My car had been parked for 10 years with nothing from the firewall forward. It took me 6 years to get it this far. My car is a daily driver so she will never be completed. She goes camping, to the lake road trips. I have about 30,000 miles on this drive train. The engine is a 400. I put a 700r4 transmission (17 1/2 MPG on freeway) in it."

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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 70 of 95.

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