Richard tells us more, "Over the years I have seen the 'Ram Air' hood
decals turn from a nice white to black." CLICK->
Here is a door decal which shows a build date of 2/70. CLICK->
One lovely picture of an unloved GTO decal! CLICK->
Evan Freese owns this Palladium Silver 1970 LeMans hardtop. This LeMans sports a GTO hood. CLICK->
Palladium Silver 1970 LeMans hardtop, left front view. CLICK->
Palladium Silver 1970 LeMans hardtop with its hood down. CLICK->
Wade Ettleman found this Polar White 1970 Judge in a junkyard in Wyoming. According to the license plates it wasn't on the road since the 80s. Wade comments, "No they won't sell it. They are going to fix it up - yeah right. Before you go looking, the VIN tag has been removed from the car. Makes it a hard one to work with now." CLICK->
Junked Polar White 1970 Judge hardtop, right rear view. CLICK->
Left side view of this unfortunate junker, a Polar White 1970 Judge hardtop. CLICK->
Polar White 1970 Judge hardtop, interior view. Monopoly anyone? CLICK->
Peter Denesowicz owns this 1970 LeMans hardtop. Peter tells us, "I picked this car up about a year ago [August 2005]. It had been sitting for over 10 years. I planned on putting my 455 under the hood but the original 350 ran so well, I didn't have the heart to chop her up. Even the original A/C was in good working order. I dumped the JC Whitney plastic mirrors and the KMart fog lights. I tuned the engine, replaced a few worn parts, sealed some leaks, swapped out the Chevy S-10 rims for Rally IIs, and painted over the Earl Sheib $99 paint job with a year correct Bermuda Blue paint job." CLICK->
Peter returned his 1970 LeMans back to the original shade of Bermuda Blue. He also added a GTO hood. CLICK->
Peter's 1971 LeMans after restoration. CLICK->
Bermuda Blue 1970 LeMans, right rear view. CLICK->
Al Rosell (of Rosell's Citgo fame!) picked up this Orbit Orange 1970 GTO hardtop in 2006. All numbers matching, 455 HO Ram Air, 3.55 rear, and an 8-track tape player. PICTURE SET CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ...
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Mike Jagusch (mjagusch.@juno.com) - "Awesome. I have on my computer "desktop" a picture that I downloaded from your site a year ago. It's a blue hardtop that was voted Picture of the Week 12/26/99."