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by Sean Mattingly.
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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 51 of 95.
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CLICK-> 70 Judge Restoration Steve Kaufman is restoring this 1970 Judge hardtop. What a great shop this is! Looks like someplace I'd like to go work on my car in. Dan K aufman, the owners son writes in to say, "This is actually this car's 2nd restoration. It was restored in 1998-99 to be as close to factory as possible with stock interior, stock wheels and tires. It was gorgeous. Several years later we've decided to restore the car a second time, only with a custom built, 512 cubic inch Pontiac motor, built by Lizzard Racing (www.lizzardracing.com). The main reason for this was because of the stock Ram Air III's high compression, causing us to spend nearly 100 dollars for a full tank of Cam 2, and since this motor wasn't a "numbers matching" motor, we saw no harm in upgrading the drive train. Our common upgrade to a slightly more potent motor (450-500 hp originally) on pump-gas, snowballed into a one-of-a kind street monster (fuel injected 600+hp motor with a 200 shot of nitrous), all done with PONTIAC aftermarket parts. There's still a ton of work to be done to the car but hopefully it's complete for this upcoming car season. Hope you guys enjoy the "work-in-progress" pics. More to come as more of the car is complete. "
CLICK-> 70 Judge Restoration Has viewer comments Red 1970 Judge restoration project, left side view. Looks like this shop restores many classics. They must be into racing with the fiberglass car body sections hanging around. And see the blue barrels? Racing fuel.
CLICK-> 70 Judge Restoration Red 1970 Judge up on a hoist. Looks great!
CLICK-> 70 Judge Restoration Now this is different. It's a Wilwood tandem chamber master cylinder. According to the company, this represents the latest refinement in brake pressure actuation and fluid control. Wilwood master cylinders add that extra look and style a ride such as this GTO demands. Perfect for hot rods, street rods, custom builds, and more. The company sells these in standard aluminum or the optional bright burnished finish. Wilwood's innovative and unique design make this master cylinder the perfect choice for a wide range of custom manual or power brake applications.
CLICK-> 70 Judge Restoration The engine is being readied for a run on this test fixture. Nice machining of the machinery.
CLICK-> 70 Judge Restoration Another shot of the engine.

CLICK-> Orange 1970 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Carousel Red 1970 GTO hardtop owned by Mahlan Houghton. His son Billy explains, "This is a 1970 GTO that has undergone a three year restoration. It is a father/son project and has really come a long way! It is a full restoration job, a frame off. It has the 400 ci with a 600 cfm Edelbrock, 390 posi-trac with a 400 Turbo trans. It has a mild Elgin Pro Stock cam, 450, and sounds beautiful! We put Hooker headers on it with Flo Pro V Force dual exhaust through an H-Pipe. It should be just under 400 horse. It has been one of the best father/son projects ever and I am blessed to have a father who has taught me to appreciate A TRUE MUSCLE CAR!"
CLICK-> Orange 1970 GTO Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Carousel Red 1970 GTO hardtop, right front view.
CLICK-> Orange 1970 GTO Shot down the left side of this Carousel Red 1970 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> Orange 1970 GTO This side looks equally good.
CLICK-> Orange 1970 GTO Has viewer comments Mahlan and his son did a good job on the body. It is straight.
CLICK-> Orange 1970 GTO Right rear corner of this Carousel Red 1970 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> 1970 GTO Engine Carousel Red 1970 GTO hardtop, engine view.

CLICK-> Green 1970 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Pepper Green 1970 GTO hardtop owned by Tim Lancaster from Eden, North Carolina. Tim had this to say, "I bought my GTO locally, 25 years ago from my friend (Robert K Huff), who was the original owner. It has matching numbers, and was restored in 2004. The car runs and drives like a dream. It's requarly driven to cruise-ins and car shows (not a trailer queen). It has a 400/3speed, Protect-O-Plate, build sheets, and is a show winner/driver!"

CLICK-> Blue 1970 GTO Convertible 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Jim Greene is restoring this blue 1970 GTO convertible. He has paint and some interior work left to do.

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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 51 of 95.

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