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by Sean Mattingly.
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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 34 of 95.
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CLICK-> goofy expression Has viewer comments Look at the expression on this guy's face. Is he having fun or what!? This must be Bill topping off his Blue 1970 GTO convertible. His Rally II wheels are painted blue.

CLICK-> Red 1970 GTO! Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Red 1970 GTO owned by Brian and Marilyn Shattuck from Milford, New Hampshire. They purchased it in 2000. The engine was just rebuilt. It's a non-original Ram Air III without the Ram Air intake. It's got a floor shift automatic transmission. They hope to start working on the interior next year.
CLICK-> 70 and 67 GTOs Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Brian and Marilyn Shattuck's red 1970 GTO at the Show and Shine at the Merrimack New Hampshire Bud Plant on August 3rd, 2003. The black 1967 GTO hardtop next to it is owned by Ron Shattuck's.

CLICK-> 1970 Promo Music side 1 Here's a 45 record containing 1970 Pontiac Theme Music that was given to the Pontiac Dealerships in 1970 for them to play in their showroom to promo the 1970 GTO. It was produced by MacManus, John & Adams, Inc. who was the advertiser for Pontiac at that time. Side one contains a long song called Pontiac Theme by Steve Karmen. You can hear this record over on The Tailpipe site. The song is basically three versions of the same song with the following words:

This is the beginning of tomorrow,
This is the beginning of the way it's gonna be for you and me,

This is the beginning of tomorrow,
This is the beginning of the way it's gonna be for you and me,

Pontiac begins a great tomorrow,
This is the beginning of the way it's gonna be for you and me,
Fast and young and full of fun to drive,
Cuts so wide it makes it fun to be alive,
This is the beginning of tomorrow.

These records turn up from time to time. One site visiter named Doug found one in a bunch of 45's he purchased from a garage sale. These scans are from a 45 that Jeff Klein's Dad got from the Pontiac dealership where he sold cars at in 1970.
CLICK-> 1970 Pontiac record side 2 Here's side two of the 45 record containing 1970 Pontiac Theme Music. This one has two songs on it. You can hear the record over on The Tailpipe site. The second song called Pontiac Theme is a fourth version of the same song from side 1. The first song on this side is called GTO Rock by Cashmen, Piatilli & West. It's words go like this:

Pontiac - the way it's gonna be,

Big Stick - gonna pull the big machine,
Style - oh, it's something else, so clean,
Wheels - tough as leather, big and bad and black,
Pipes - open wide, can't get no-one talkin back,

It's the Humbler, the Humbler, GTO, GTO,

Mountains- step aside, lay down,
Curves - straightin out, fly right,
Highways - just getting shorter by the mile,
Traffic - city traffic, I'm takin you in style,

It's the Humbler, the Humbler, GTO, GTO,
Pontiac - the way it's gonna be,

Wheels - singing song, are you humming,
Horses - do you stop or keep them comin,
Big Stick - just keep on pulling my machine,
Pontiac - takes the fun of driving seriously.

It's the Humbler, the Humbler, GTO, Never gonna catch my GTO.

These recordings were produced by the advertising agency where Jim Wangers worked.

CLICK-> Gold 70 GTO Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Ronald Hamm Jr. sent in these pictures of a gold 1970 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> Gold 70 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Gold 1970 GTO hardtop, left rear view. This one has a spoiler and Rally II wheels.
CLICK-> 70 GTO engine Gold 1970 GTO hardtop, engine view.

CLICK-> Green 70 GTO Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Ronald Hamm Jr. sent in these pictures of a green 1970 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> 70 GTO engine Green 1970 GTO hardtop, engine view.
CLICK-> 70 GTO interior Green 1970 GTO hardtop, interior view. This one has a Custom Sports Steering Wheel with a cover on it. It also has Power Door Locks, see the switch over the arm rest on the door.
CLICK-> 70 GTO engine Green 1970 GTO hardtop, another engine view. This time the air cleaner has been removed to see the Quadrajet carb.

CLICK-> Red 70 GTO convertible 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Ronald Hamm Jr. sent in this picture of a red 1970 GTO convertible with a white top and interior.

CLICK-> White 1970 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating White 1970 GTO hardtop owned by Russ Zangrilli. Russ commented, "I just purchased this PHS documented 1970 GTO RAM AIR IV auto off the 3rd owner. It's got a numbers matching XP motor, XK 3.90 rear, AM-FM 8-track, gauge package, and in-dash tach. This car was found sitting in a car port - for how long it sat, it amazes me the shape it is in. The body is all steel and has no rust or even surface rust underneath it. I could not pass this car by. I do not know what I'm doing with it but for now I got it."
CLICK-> 70 GTO interior Has viewer comments Here's a peek inside Russ's 1970 GTO. It's got the Rally Gauge Cluster with the In-dash Tach, and an 8-track Tape Player! See the Ram Air knob under the steering wheel?

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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 34 of 95.

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Says David Ortiz (mmagico01.@telenet.es) - "My name is David, from Spain. I am mad about muscle cars, especially GTO's. MUY BUENO, AMIGO"