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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 27 of 95.
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CLICK-> 70 Tempest Interior Has viewer comments Targa Blue 1970 Tempest hardtop, rear seat view.

CLICK-> Green 70 Judge! 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating 1970 was the 2nd year for The Judge. Randy Reeves owns this rust free 76,000 mile green 1970 Judge. It was purchased from the original owner. The car wears the reflective eyebrow stripes. "The Judge" sticker on the fender was also reflective. Note how the rear deck spoiler on the 1970 Judges differed from the 1969 Judges. Most Judges did not have the vinyl roof option.

CLICK-> Knafel Race Car? Has viewer comments3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Is this a Knafel Pontiac race car? It was orginally white with minimal options (Judge, Ram Air IV, M-21 Close ratio 4 speed, safe-T-track rear, push button radio and the HD springs and shocks) and it was delivered new to the famous high performance dealer, Knafel Pontiac in Arkon, Ohio! The Knafel Pontiac race teams won more National/World Championships than any other stock class team; GM, Ford , and Mopar included. Knafel Pontiac was to high performance Pontiac cars like Yenko was to Chevrolet or Grand Spaulding Dodge was to Mopar. All of their drag race cars were white and this car is factory white. This one was found for sale in Tampa, Florida.
CLICK-> Knafel Race Car documentation? Here's the invoice for the car. Notice the Knafel dealership address in the lower left corner. They ordered the car from the factory. The CC after the VIN in the upper left corner stands for the Polar White upper and lower body colors. The 58 is for the black interior. The difference between a regular GTO and a Judge was only $337.02 back in 1970.

CLICK-> Silver 70 Judge 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Palladium Silver 1970 Judge hardtop owned by Gary and Connie Summers from Campbellsville, Kentucky. Pontiac delivered this car new to a dealer in Naples, Florida. Gary purchased it in 2001 after it had sat in a barn in Kentucky for 15 years.

CLICK-> 1970 GTO project Mark Smith fron Anderson, South Carolina bought this car for $1500 in 1994. He's been working on it slowly. Mark says, "I have always loved GTO's ever since my best friend in school bought a 65 GTO that was one of the coolest cars at school."
CLICK-> 1970 GTO project Here's another shot of Mark's 1970 GTO.
CLICK-> 1970 GTO project Here's what's under the hood of Mark's 1970 GTO>

CLICK-> 70 Judge Print Bill Weeden (billrobin@wekz.net) is offering prints of this handsome Orbit Orange 1970 Judge hardtop which he drew. You can contact him via email if you want to buy a print. They are 20 X 24 inches. Do not copy or otherwise duplicate this image. It is Bill's copyrighted property.

CLICK-> German Judge Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Ulrich Augustin from Gutchash BW Germany has owned this Cardinal Red 1970 Judge hardtop since 1990. He's done a full frame off restoration on this car, which has got to be pretty difficult way over in Germany. It's not like Ulrich is going to find any parts at a local swap meet or the junk yard. This car has a 400ci RAM AIR III engine, ported heads, 1.65 roller rockers, forged 11.5:1 pistons, Isky mech cam, Warrior intake, Speed Demon carb, MSD ingition, headers, 3 inch dual exhausts, Flowmaster mufflers, 4-speed MT transmission, and a 12-bolt 3.23 posi rear axle. Ulrich's best ET has been 12.8 seconds in the 1/4 mile.
CLICK-> German Judge 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Left rear view of Ulrich's 1970 Judge. Is it just me, or are those Judge stickers huge! He has custom seats in it.
CLICK-> intake and carb Here's the Warrior intake and Speed Demon carb that Ulrich put on is Cardinal Red 1970 Judge.

CLICK-> Green 70 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Green 1970 GTO hardtop owned by Steven Varnes from Middletown, Delaware.
CLICK-> Green 70 GTO 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Steven's Green 1970 GTO hardtop has Rally II wheels and a hood tach.
CLICK-> Green 70 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Green 1970 GTO hardtop, left side view.

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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 27 of 95.

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Says Greg (GregNoll61.@aol.com) - "With your help I was able to get the information and confidence I needed to do something I have always wanted to do...buy a 1967 GTO Convertible!!! ... I have started a notebook full of things that I have printed out from your site, so it is obvious that you will continue to be one of my most useful information sources !!"