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by Sean Mattingly.
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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 12 of 95.
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CLICK-> Green 1970 Judge Convertible Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Green 1970 Judge convertible spotted at the summer 2005 POCI LI NY show. This Judge has Honeycomb wheels.

CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #1 Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Here's the first picture of 16 for a 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge found for sale on ebay. Check these out, they are real clear. Here are some of the owner's comments:

Beautiful 1970 "Bermuda Blue" Pontiac GTO Judge with 70,200 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTED MILES. This is a FULL NUMBERS MATCHING CAR (except water pump and starter). This Pontiac Historic Service documented car is 99% factory stock with RamAir III 400, Turbo 400 Automatic Transmission, and Console. Bermuda Blue paint (code D) with Blue Interior (code 50). This is a low optioned car from the factory with 366HP and NO power robbing options like PS or PB. It's all motor! This Judge is one of 1,003 built with this drivetrain combination. Partial restoration completed April 2001.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #2 Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #2. The owner goes on: Full front clip nut and bolt restoration just completed with all correct factory finishes ,colors, NOS, AC/Delco and reproduction parts. All new TRW front end bushings, ball joints, outer tie rods, shocks (AC/Delco), and springs. All parts finished in correct levels of gloss. All correct clamps and clips. The Judge Front Air Dam and front valance molding are absent.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #3 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #3. More owner comments: New factory correct Gardner Exhaust, chrome exhaust tips, re-chromed original valve covers, re-chromed rear bumper, new dash cover, new correct carpet, new rocker moldings, polished stainless. 95 point engine compartment, 100 point correct trunk compartment.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #4 Has viewer comments 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #4. It's an early production 1970 car, built the 4 week of October, 1969. The Fisher Body plate reads as follows:
ST  70 24237 OS598359                     
BDY TR  250  2525 PNT
10D  D55WT1D80M40

CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #5 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #5. Another interior shot. This one from the passenger's side.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #6 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #6. Rear end view.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #7 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #7. Right rear end view.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #8 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #8. View of that "100 point correct trunk." Big Image!
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #9 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #9. View of front top side of engine. Another big image.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #10 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #10. Left side of that Ram Air III engine. Huge Image but quick loading.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #11 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #11. Right side of that Ram Air III engine. Another huge image, showing all the engine details.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #12 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #12. Left front side of that Ram Air III engine.
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #13 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #13. Here's a new view - The front of the engine from the underside! This must be a picture of those correct hose clips. Pretty clean for a "Partial Restoration".
CLICK-> 1970 Blue Judge #14 1970 Bermuda Blue Judge picture #14. Driver's side door view.

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1970 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 12 of 95.

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Says Mike Barker (mbarker.@mentortech.com) from Maryland -"Thanks for the incredible restoration pics/information."