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by Sean Mattingly.
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1967 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 52 of 89.
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CLICK-> Primered 67 LeMans Black primered 1967 LeMans hardtop, back in Troy's garage.

CLICK-> Black 67 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Black 1967 GTO hardtop owned by Scott Delmont. It looks to be in pretty good shape. Scott tells us, "I just picked this up and I don't know what I'm going to do with it, yet."
CLICK-> Black 67 GTO with Potiential A shot up the side of Scotts black 1967 GTO hardtop.
CLICK-> Black 67 GTO with Potiential Rear quarter of this black 1967 GTO hardtop. I cannot see a lot of rust on the outside.
CLICK-> Black 67 GTO with Potiential Has viewer comments Let's peek inside. A lot of wear in here. Could use everything recovered - after repairing the rusty floor.
CLICK-> Black 67 GTO with Potiential Black 1967 GTO hardtop, interior view. It has the typical dash pad cracks and a Hurst Dual Gate Shifter.
CLICK-> Black 67 GTO with Potiential Black 1967 GTO hardtop, dash view. It has air conditioning and the original push button radio.

CLICK-> Turquoise 67 GTO Convertible 3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Mariner Turquoise 1967 GTO convertible owned by Ken from Imperial, Missouri.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 GTO Convertible Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Mariner Turquoise 1967 GTO convertible, right side view.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 GTO Convertible 3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Mariner Turquoise 1967 GTO convertible, rear end view.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 GTO Convertible View up the right side of Ken's Mariner Turquoise 1967 GTO convertible.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 GTO Convertible View down the left side of Ken's Mariner Turquoise 1967 GTO convertible.

CLICK-> xXx-two GTO Has viewer comments The sequel to the action movie "xXx" opened in theaters April 29th, 2005. It is called "xXx: State of the Union" and stars a 1967 GTO. It co-stars Samuel L. Jackson, and Ice Cube (guy in the lower right). In the first two shots you can see that the GTO has been radically modified. The front lights tilt away and shoot rockets. In the middle right shot, you can see that the roof has been chopped. We have a whole parking lot full of pictures devoted to the first xXx movie in our xXx action movie memorabilia museum. The first xXx movie starred Vin Diesel and was set in Europe. For the sequel, they set it in the USA with a different cast, although some characters did return.
CLICK-> xXx-two GTO Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Here is the xXx State of the Union GTO. It's painted Dupont Chromallusion which is priced at $800 a quart. There were three of these built for the movie. One - the stunt car was crashed. Two - the hero car was used for driving shots. Three - this one was used for the interior shots. All three cars were actually made from 1967 LeMans hardtops. The car was designed by Harald Belker and built by Ted Moser of Picture Car Warehouse in Los Angeles, California. This car first sold at auction for over $45K. Then in February of 2006, it sold on eBay for only $25,100 with 38 bids. In October of 2007, it was again seen on ebay. The reserve was not met with bids of $32,900.
CLICK-> xXx-two GTO Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating The Dupont Chromallusion paint changes from a red orange to purple blue hues. The GTO is all metal except for the fiberglass flares and ground effects. The headlights are created from six Piaa lights. The door handles are shaved. It has both inside door handles and solenoids to open the doors. This "xXx" movie car rides on a set of 20 inch TIS chrome rims.

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1967 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 52 of 89.

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