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1967 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 51 of 89.
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CLICK-> 67 GTO awaiting resto Has viewer comments I don't think that bumper on the hood is gonna fit.
CLICK-> 67 GTO awaiting resto This car has a lot of surface rust. According to Brett, the car sat at this body shop for some time before he filed a lawsuit to get his money back and is currently using another shop.

CLICK-> 67 Tempest Project Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating 1967 Tempest owned by Ryan Treadway. Ryan tells us, "I am currently restoring it back to original. This is a 326 car and will be Mariner Turquoise when I am finished. The plates on the car is a wild story. I went to get plates for the vehicle and that's what they gave me. How odd to get the year and not have to pay extra for them. I am gonna keep it a Tempest cause after all you cloners clone up all the Tempest and LeMans, I'll be one of the few with a Tempest. Then maybe everybody will want a Tempest. AAAHHH they all look good anyway."
CLICK-> 67 Tempest Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Ryan says goodbye to his 1967 Tempest hardtop. Ryan explains, "Man, I really hated to do this. The picture speaks for itself. I (tear) sold the car on eBay. I feel it's in good hands now. A dedicated Pontiac fan drove all the way from Florida up to Ohio for this car. Good luck on the rest of the restoration. Don't worry folks I didn't get married - just flat out broke."

CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Red 1967 Tempest sport coupe owned by Forrest from New Carlisle, Ohio. This car has a million louvers on the hood. The picture was sent in by his friend Ryan. Ryan adds, "Here is a picture of my buddy's 1967 Tempest. It's a very clean looking car. He just got some new paint on it and a 400 engine. That's my primered up Tempest in the back.
CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Here is another view of all those louvers on this red 1967 Tempest sport coupe. This could have been "The Ultimate Hood Scoop" if they would have faced all those louvers forward! Naaaaa.

CLICK-> Turquoise 67 LeMans Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Gulf Turquoise 1967 LeMans hardtop owned by Lynne Irwin from Ithaca, New York. Lynne tell us, "I recently purchased this car at eBay. It seems like a good one, and it doesn't need a whole lot of work. It will help me get my 1967 GTO convertible back together."
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 LeMans 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Gulf Turquoise 1967 LeMans hardtop, left side view. This LeMans has a black vinyl top.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 LeMans This Gulf Turquoise 1967 LeMans hardtop has a (code 220) turquoise interior.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 LeMans Gulf Turquoise 1967 LeMans hardtop, another shot of the front bucket seats. This car is very clean.
CLICK-> Turquoise 67 LeMans Gulf Turquoise 1967 LeMans hardtop, view of the rear seat.
CLICK-> 67 LeMans Engine Gulf Turquoise 1967 LeMans hardtop, engine view.

CLICK-> Primered 67 LeMans Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Black primered 1967 LeMans hardtop owned by Troy Weiler from Carson City, Nevada. Troy had this story to share, "I bought it from the owner of a Shell station for $1,000. It sat in his backyard for about 15 years. The paint was oxidized and the interior wasn't in it. My dad and I hauled it home and started work. Now we have the full interior and we're currently building a 400ci stroked to a 467ci courtesy of Jim Butler. I've already gone through a 389ci, and 2 400ci's. The 389 had sat in the car all those years so it's time had come. The first 400 had over 300,000 miles on it so that was no surprise. The last 400 I spun a rod bearing while drag racing. Now I'm patiently waiting for my new parts and can't wait to get back to the drags."
CLICK-> Primered 67 LeMans Has viewer comments Troy letting the smoke out of his black primered 1967 LeMans hardtop.
CLICK-> Primered 67 LeMans 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Black primered 1967 LeMans hardtop, right front view.

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1967 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 51 of 89.

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