This 1967 Tempest wagon has a 455ci engine under the hood. CLICK->
Plum Mist 1967 GTO convertible from Steve. It's got a 400ci engine, 4-speed manual transmission, and a 3.55 Safe-T-Track rear. He has owned it since 1997 and it was restored from 2000-2001. CLICK->
Jonas H from Sweden is restoring this 1967 GTO hardtop. CLICK->
Here Jonas tests his GTO on a dyno - probably for emissions. See the big dial display over the guy's head. I wonder if it past or what kind of changes he had to make. CLICK->
1967 GTO convertible owned by Greg Smedsrud from Park City, Utah. It's painted a 1990 Audi Pearl. Greg tells a story, "This car was originally my uncle’s, painted teal. He and I did the work together. After he went to that big goat corral in the sky, he left me the car. It’s a driver and has seen all the best mountain roads in Utah. Today was a beautiful drive through Sundance to see the fall colors. Ain’t life grand?" CLICK->
Pearl 1967 GTO convertible, left side view. CLICK->
Ron Dessel sends in this scan of an interesting 1967 model year pamphlet he owns. It contains pictures and a detailed description of each Pontiac engine offered in 1967. It also describes the manual transmissions available. Study hard. There will be a test later. CLICK->
Here's more interesting information from Ron. This one compares the 1967 Pontiac model's general specifications, options, engine specs, and basic body dimensions. CLICK->
Fathom Blue 1967 GTO hardtop spotted by a site visitor, Jeff, at the Charlotte AutoFair at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jeff adds, "The AutoFair is kind of like the Carlisle, Pennsylvania swap meets, just not quite as big. This car was relatively straight. The paint was peeling and there was a minor dent in the driver's door. It just didn't show up with the overcast wet conditions when I took the picture. This car was for sale for $10,000. It had the original 3-speed manual with a console." CLICK->
White 1967 GTO with a red painted top. It was also spotted by Jeff at the Charlotte AutoFair at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina. The interior was white with a red dash, red package tray, and red armrests. The owner said it was originally Tyrol Blue with a white top. Looks like it has the same paint scheme as the truck next to it. CLICK->
Blue 1967 LeMans hardtop owned by John Heyser from Chicago, Illinois. John asks, "Don't all of us Pontiac guys wish that our cars will stay nice forever?" CLICK->
Red 1967 GTO hardtop owned by Chris Powell from St. Charles, Missouri. Chris tells us, "I bought the car in April, 2003. It had a frame off in 1991 and has seen about 9000 miles since that time. I had it re-painted in March, 2004. This picture was taken about 20 minutes after I got it out of the paint shop. It has factory air, Hurst Dual Gate shift, power brakes, and power steering." CLICK->
Bob Dispenza has this 1967 GTO painted PPG Wildberry. Bob adds, " I have had this car about two years and just getting it on the road.
Just in time to miss the cruise season. It's got a 400 with an automatic. I'm looking forward to having some fun in the spring going to cruise nights and shows. Don't they both have great lines?" CLICK->
(Special mix) Tyrol Blue 1967 GTO hardtop owned by Bruce Rhoads from Alexander, Arkansas. Bruce tells us, "I moved to a neighborhood (Riverside, California) where some neighbors had a couple of 66 and 67 GTOs. I then joined the Inland Empire GTOs to be around all these cool GTOs. A few months later I went back to my neightbor's wife, ''How much for the blue 67 GTO?'' She gave me a price and I made the payments on it. The Goat has gone through a lot of different changes - from 400's to 428's, and now a 455 that looks stock, but runs very hard. I'm trying to make it run like Jim Hand's 11:00 second Wagon. I'm getting close!" CLICK->
Here is Bruce standing next to his (special mix) Tyrol Blue 1967 GTO hardtop.
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Michael (Tailfin59.@aol.com) from England - "Great website! It's nice to find one that is not only easy to use but actually has useful information - and a sense of humour too!"