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by Sean Mattingly.
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1967 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 4 of 89.
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CLICK-> blue 67 GTO Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Mariner Turquoise 1967 GTO hardtop, right front view.

CLICK-> 67 GTO Silver Has viewer comments Silver 1967 GTO hardtop with radical wheels! Low to the ground.

CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Convertible 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Red 1967 Tempest convertible owned by Charles McClellan Jr. from Lansing, Michigan. Charles had this story to share, "My brother, Dustin Manley McClellan, was hit and killed by a drunk driver. The driver committed a hit and run and tried to cover up the accident. He only received 18 months. We filed a suit and settled out of court. I bought the car with the money. I put Dustin's name on the plate and on a tribute plaque inside the car. Dustin liked hot wheels so I bought a set of 17" x 10.5" aluminum hot wheels mags on Hancook Optimo tires. I also put an in-dash 7.5" Clarion flip-out touch screen DVD player with Dolby digital surround sound powering and Audiobahn component set and a set of Orion 12" sub woofers. Thats not all - I put a new top on it, chromed out the engine (350ci Chevy), installed a roller valve train and heavy duty coil springs in rear. I did it all for my little bro Dusty. Hope you like it!"
CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Convertible 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Red 1967 Tempest convertible, right front view. There is snow in Lansing. They get about 48 inches per year.
CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Convertible 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Red 1967 Tempest convertible, front end view.
CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Convertible Here is what Charles' 1967 Tempest convertible looked like when he got it. Is that a GTO on the far right?
CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Convertible Has viewer comments Looking down the left side of the Tempest in its "BEFORE" state. It looks to be in pretty good shape. That sure looks like a 1964 GTO sitting next to it on the right.
CLICK-> Red 67 Tempest Convertible Has viewer comments Looks like the bumper was hit once.

CLICK-> 67 GTO Blue Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Blue 1967 GTO hardtop with (what looks like) chromed Rally II wheels.

CLICK-> 67 GTO black Has viewer comments Black 1967 GTO hardtop multi-view from JR Hansmann.

CLICK-> 67 GTO junkyard Has viewer comments Funny photo of a blue 1967 GTO hardtop in a junkyard. Some joker cleaned off the window to add a huge MasterCard and Visa sticker! Note how this car has side pipes and a non-stock spoiler. This photo is from George Ahearn at Ahearn's Towing.

CLICK-> 67 GTO Gold Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating This is a gold 1967 GTO sports coupe with a black vinyl top. It is owned by Rick from Cleveland, Ohio. Rick says, "Thanks for all the great comments on my car. It is a post model and numbers matching PHS documented rust free Caifornia car. I've owned it for about 13 years now [as of 2006], and have been replacing the aftermarket parts that were on it with NOS or reproduction stock parts. The wheels have been redone in the correct colors. I have redline tires for it with the correct lugnuts. An original radio was put back in, new air cleaner, red eye Delco battery & cables, rear deck cover, etc. It has the his/hers shifter with center console, factory air, rear defogger and power steering/brakes. It's also rare because it was one of the few models produced with a lower compression 400 that runs on regular pump gas. I think less than 2,500 were made. Thanks to the website owner for all the fantastic pics and information here!"

CLICK-> Black 1967 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating This is an awesome shot of a Starlight Black 1967 GTO hardtop. This Goat wears a set of Rally II wheels. These wheels were first offered as options on the GTO in 1967.
CLICK-> Black 1967 GTO Has viewer comments4.7 star rating4.7 star rating4.7 star rating4.7 star rating4.7 star rating Starlight Black 1967 GTO hardtop, left rear view.
CLICK-> Black 1967 GTO Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Starlight Black 1967 GTO hardtop, right side view.

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1967 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 4 of 89.

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Says Dennis McGee (mcgeed.@fhfb.gov) - "I just love these "Lazarus sites", you know, bringin' the old cars back from the dead."