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1964 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 5 of 50.
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CLICK-> silver 64 GTO 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating 1964 pillar/post GTO silver with Sam! owned by Sam Fugate (fugates@kih.net) - It's a tri-power too.

CLICK-> red 64 GTO Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating 1964 red GTO in front of a barn owned by George Richardson

CLICK-> 64 GTO art print 1964 GTO Art Print for sale on the Internet by Bill Harbort (701) 838-1808

CLICK-> yellow 64 LeMans Has viewer comments3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating 1964 post coupe yellow LeMans pic #1 owned by Kyle Hagemann
CLICK-> yellow 64 LeMans 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating 1964 post coupe yellow LeMans pic #2 owned by Kyle Hagemann
CLICK-> yellow 64 LeMans 1964 post coupe LeMans pic #3 (it was before it became yellow) owned by Kyle Hagemann

CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 1 Has viewer comments John Z. Delorean died on 3/19/05 due to complications from a stroke. Please feel free to leave comments about John on this page using the "Comments" link. Here's the beautiful cover of a 1964 GTO brochure that was found inside a magazine in 1964. It's the first magazine ad for the 1964 GTO. John, the son of an autoworker, was as flamboyant as his car designs. He reached the executive ranks of General Motors with an astonishing series of successes that revolutionized the industry, according to a Washington Post article. He was credited with creating the overhead-cam engine, concealed windshield wipers, the lane-change turn signal, vertically stacked headlights, racing stripes and an emphasis on cockpitlike driver consoles. He claimed he had more than 200 patents. DeLorean was instrumental in creating the 1964 GTO. Remember the hit song "Little GTO" by Ronnie and the Daytonas? It was a song that doubled as a free radio commercial for Pontiac. It advertised and praised the GTO's 389 cubic inch V-8 engine. The car was a good seller for many years and remains the object of car collector's affections. John's short-lived company manufactured a stainless steel-clad gullwing DMC-12 car that was seen in the trilogy of movies called "Back To The Future". Several interesting books have been written about John which detail his career in the auto industry, his marriages, lavish lifestyle, and his court battles.

CLICK-> 1965 GTO Ad - page 2 On the second page of this ad is a Grenadier Red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe. The text tells us that the GTO isn't for everyone. Notice the word "Wafting" - which means "to move gently through the air." I haven't heard that term in years. Must be a 60's thing. When is the last time you used "wafting" in conversation?
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 3 Page 3 contains this Cameo Ivory 1964 GTO convertible. The text at the bottom of the page tells us that the GTO's exhaust is loud and the fuel economy sucks.
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 4 This is page 4 of the ad. As the tiny text at the top says, "This is the GTO Hardtop, in Nocturne Blue, with the optional black fabric top" The text at the bottom indicates that most people are Tempests, only a few have GTO written across our foreheads.
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 5 Page 5 of the ad shows all the important "Options & Accessories" that can be purchased with the 1964 GTO. Notice the little section at the beginning about "Comfort & Convenience" items. The rest of the page is all powertrain items! Did anyone really order a ski rack with their GTO? Still have it?
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 6 Page 6 shows us some of those special items on a GTO. The big bad 6.5 Litre emblem, the floor mounted Hurst shifter, redline tires, and the heavy duty suspension. The ad copy for the emblems is especially creative. It says; "You'll find one of these on each side. If you don't think this is enough warning, you could always fly the skull and crossbones." The ad copy that describes the suspension is equally thought-provoking; "The standard suspension is made up of heavy-duty springs, shocks, and stabilizer bar. If the GTO clung to the road any closer, it'd be a white line."
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 7 Page 7 goes on to show us more options. The standard 335hp 4 bbl or optional 348hp Tri-Power engine, Morrokide bucket seats, custom sport wood steering wheel, and Rally gauge package.
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Ad - page 8 Here is the last page of the 1964 GTO magazine ad. It shows more options such as how the Safe-T-Track rear lays down two lines of rubber, spinner hub caps, the automatic transmission console, and the chrome exhaust splitters! They were a dealer-installed option.

CLICK-> blue 64 LeMans 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating 1964 LeMans coupe pic #1 front-end view from Dave (Dave64Lemans@aol.com) in Akron, Ohio. It has a 428 c.i. with a Muncie M-21 close ratio 4-spd. It has new Gulfstream Aqua paint.

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1964 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 5 of 50.

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