Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2007 G.T.O. Goats! All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1964 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 49 of 50.
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CLICK-> 1964 4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Down low view of Douglas's Grenadier Red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe.
CLICK-> 1964 Up close grille view on this Grenadier Red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe.
CLICK-> 1964 Up close rear bumper view on this Grenadier Red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe.
CLICK-> 1964 Here is that correct date coded 389 Tripower. It has double fan belts.
CLICK-> 1964 Grenadier Red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe, interior view.

CLICK-> 1964 Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Marimba Red 1964 LeMans hardtop owned by Justin Lovich from Flagstaff, Arizona. This was our Picture Of The Week for 9-7-08. Justin tells us, "I aquired this car from a lady down in Phoenix, Arizona. This is my second 64 LeMans. Originally sold in Los Angeles, July 1964 - It came from the factory with some unique options: a wood wheel, 4-speed, 215ci 6-cylinder, spinners, back-up lights, day/night mirror, vanity mirror, push-button radio, remote mirror, padded dash, and soft-ray glass."
CLICK-> 1964 Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Marimba Red 1964 LeMans hardtop owned by Justin Lovich from Flagstaff, Arizona. He just got done washing it. Justin tells us more, "I am doing a slow resoration. Right now the car is nearly mechanically sound, so now I can worry about cosmetics (paint, new carpet, etc.) The car is a blast to drive, and everything runs smoothly. I plan on putting in a V8 (I now understnad why everyone wanted one, the 6-cylinder is rather lame). It's a really great car!"
CLICK-> 1964 A peek inside Justin's 1964 LeMans hardtop. It has the optional Custom Sport wooden steering wheel and a console-less floor shifted manual transmission. Is the brick for cruise control?
CLICK-> 1964 Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Justin's LeMans now has a fresh coat of Marimba Red paint, polished chrome, and a new interior.
CLICK-> 1964 3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Another shot of that fresh coat of paint.
CLICK-> 1964 3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Justin and his Marimba Red 1964 LeMans hardtop. Who wouldn't be smiling when driving one of these?
CLICK-> 1964 Has viewer comments Jeff has been working on his interior. He sends this updated shot.

CLICK-> 1964 Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating White 1964 GTO convertible now owned by Richard Yong. It was owned by Jerry Swenson when it was our Picture Of The Week for 10-05-08. Jerry commented, "We found it on eBay two years ago and did a complete frame-off restoration. We've restored a few cars over the years, including a '66 GTO hardtop that was the Picture Of The Week on 11/21/04. We love the restoration process and look forward to finding our next project."
CLICK-> 1964 Here is a shot during restoration. All the trim is starting to come off.
CLICK-> 1964 Has viewer comments The body is removed from the frame. Notice how the braces are attached from the rear of the car to the firewall. Convertibles are pretty flimsy without their frames.

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1964 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 49 of 50.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says C. Spencer (censored.name.@juno.com) - "I want a 64 gto. My grandpa has one but hes an ass and wont let me have it."