Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2007 G.T.O. Goats! All with thumbnail images.
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by Sean Mattingly.
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1964 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 25 of 50.
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CLICK-> Blue 1964 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Blue 1964 GTO sport coupe owned by Rich from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. This one has undergone a frame-off restoration. It looks like the engine is missing.

CLICK-> 64 LeMans Drag Car 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Take a look at this 1964 LeMans Sport Coupe racer. I wonder what this does in the 1/4 mile? The owner tells us, "The car was owned by the owner of Bethel's Goat Farm in California. The car sat in a garage for 30 years. It was just rebuilt August of 2004. The body and interior still needs to be done and it will be show material. The car only has 500 miles since being done. I have not had it on the track."
CLICK-> 64 LeMans Drag Car Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Blue 1964 LeMans Sport Coupe drag car from the left front side. This thing sits very high in the air.

CLICK-> Green 64 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating This is a Pinehurst Green 1964 GTO Sport Coupe. It was built in Baltimore (Code BA) in September 1963. The car was originally purchased new in Ludlow, Massachusetts. Original options include: power steering, power brakes, Deluxe seatbelts with retractors-front only, console with vacuum gauge, a working electric clock, and a remote outside mirror which is now missing from the car.
CLICK-> Green 64 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Pinehurst Green 1964 GTO Sport Coupe, left front view with hood and trunk open. I think this is the same color the State of Indiana paints their State Park trucks.
CLICK-> 64 GTO Engine Pinehurst Green 1964 GTO Sport Coupe, engine view. You could probably pull some stumps with this one, eh?
CLICK-> 64 GTO Interior Pinehurst Green 1964 GTO Sport Coupe, interior view. In this photo, you can compare Pinehurst Green to John Deere green. Why are John Deere tractors green and yellow? No one really knows. Some like to think the color combination symbolizes the colors of corn - green for the stalks and yellow for the ears. The earliest color illustration of Deere equipment with the green and yellow color scheme is of a Deere sulky plow in the 1905 Deere & Webber catalog.
CLICK-> 64 GTO Dash Has viewer comments Pinehurst Green 1964 GTO Sport Coupe, dash view. Now this is a nice control layout for the man that wants to be in command of an 8-cylinder automobile. Much better than the controls on your basic 2-cylinder John Deere tractor.

CLICK-> Black 64 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Black 1964 GTO sport coupe owned by Kent Churchill from Red Oak, Iowa. Kent tells us about his Goat, "I purchased this car unrestored about seven years ago from a guy locally here in SW Iowa. It took all of about six years for me to complete a frame-off restoration, down to every last bolt. The car was an all original 1964 2 door post that had a 326 4-speed. I replaced the 326 with a 389 Tri-Power, bolting up to a Muncie M20 4-speed transmission. The car was originally black but I decided after being set in my ways to go with a custom paint. I chose a black base coat/clearcoat with a hint of green metallic. So little metallic that only on a sunny day does the green come out and when it does, it is a real head turner!"
CLICK-> Black 64 GTO Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Black 1964 GTO sport coupe, left side view. Kent continues, "Nearly all of the work was completed by myself with the exception of the paint and interior. So far, all of the hard work has paid off. In just under a year of being completed, this BADGOAT has taken 1st in its class in four shows to date! Being as beautiful as she is, she is not a Trailer Queen. She has been driven for as long as three hours one way to attend the GoodGuy's Heartland Nationals show. And boy does she love the open road!"
CLICK-> Ghost Flames Take a look at this. Kent explains, "Keeping the green metallic theme going a bit more, I also added two custom ghost flames to the hood. They include the GTO 389 Tri-Power logo at the base of each flame."
CLICK-> Custom 64 GTO Interior Kent continues, "The interior I decided to go with the stock look with just a bit of customization. It consists of white leather with black accents. Each seat also has "GTO" embroidered into it and a Pontiac symbol incorporated into the back seat."
CLICK-> Custom 64 GTO Interior Another shot of the custom interior in Kent's black 1964 GTO sport coupe.
CLICK-> 64 GTO Tri-Power And a Tri-Power under the hood.
CLICK-> Black 64 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Here is a more recent shot of Kent's black 1964 GTO Sport Coupe in front of a vintage gas station. Probably back from when gas was less than a quarter a gallon. Click here to see a different version of this shot which was featured as Picture Of The Week for the week of 7/1/07.

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1964 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 25 of 50.

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Says Christopher Yogeswaren (nin4life2000.@yahoo.com) - "I came to the website knowing little to verrry little about Tempests and GTO's and left being able to tell the difference between Ram Air III and Ram Air IV. ;]"