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by Sean Mattingly.
2004 SEMA Trade Show coverage
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2004 - SEMA Carshow in Las Vegas    Lot 2 of 3.
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CLICK-> What Da? This was an unplanned sideshow during the trip to the SEMA show. One of Wade Stokes' friends wanted to win a set of tires for his car. Dunlop tire company was giving away some sets, free! The only catch was - you had to let them airbrush a tire tread up your face, carve a tread into your hair, and down your neck. Then you had to wear a Dunlop tire tread t-shirt to complete the whole "tread-head" look. Matt said "yes". This lady is painting his face with an airbrush. She's shooting the paint onto his noggin through a tire tread-shaped stencil.
CLICK-> Tread Face That's attractive! You may recognize this guy from the first image of SEMA coverage. Matt was standing under the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign on the left, smiling during happier times. Here, the airbrushing of a tire tread image is done on his face. The barber is just beginning to etch tire treads into his hair.
CLICK-> Hair Cut? Oh man! Matt is concentrating on the cool set of tires he'll win for doing this temporary body modification in public. The barber is trying not to cut into his skullbone.
CLICK-> Tread Face The haircut and face painting are done. Wade's friend is being paraded on the stage so the crowd can get a load of his new "Dunlop" look.
CLICK-> Tread Head The tire tread design has been artfully cut into Matt's hair. Looks like the barber lady should have not used the pointy edge of the blades to get the job done. Yowch! That will take a few days to heal. Dude won't be combing his hair for a while, just enjoying some new tires.
CLICK-> Tread Head gets the Girls Proud to be a Tread Head. Wade's friend was presented with a gift certificate for new tires courtesy of Dunlop.

CLICK-> 04 AP GTO Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Orange "455" 2004 GTO from Arrowhead Performance. It had an interesting shaker hood scoop like the 1974 GTOs. The dimensions of this scoop were modified a little bit to suit the looks of the '04 car. UltimateGTO.com photographer Wade Stokes took particular interest in this car because he has a custom 1980 Grand Prix that he added a shaker scoop to. Wade's Grand Prix appeared in High Performance Pontiac magazine in December, 2004.
CLICK-> 04 Shaker Scoop The shaker hood scoop boasts 7.5 Litres. The car has some gauges up high on the dash in the center. Arrowhead Performance, man! After the SEMA show, this special car was invited to Phoenix, Arizona for some performance driving demonstrations on a road course. If you want to learn more about the Arrowhead Performance cars, you might want to email their General Manager Dan Long dan@arrowheadperformance.com .

CLICK-> Yellow AP GTO Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Arrowhead Performance also brought this Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO. Lots of modifications here: hood scoop, hood tach, stripes, recessed grilles, and ground effect body panels. That's a $795 "V-Crest" fiberglass ram air hood. The unique styling makes the V-Crest hood a stand out from the typical twin scoop designs from the factory and other aftermarket hoods, all while being fully functional. Windshield wiper dispensers are relocated to the back side of the hood, hidden under the cowl for a clean look. The raised center section also provides extra under hood clearance. Coupled with an Arrowhead Performance custom airbox, the V-Crest hood adds fresh cool air straight to the throttle body without any unnecessary ductwork. This system will work with both a naturally aspirated engine and with the Magnacharger Radix GTO supercharger kit. The hood mounted gauge pod pictured is also available separately from Arrowhead Performance.
CLICK-> Hood Tach? Has viewer comments Close-up of the trick hood tach. Look closer, it's a boost gauge. Cooool. You knew the tach is really in the dash, right? Sure you did.

CLICK-> Modified AP GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Impulse Blue 2004 GTO modfied by Arrowhead Performance. This one has a plain stock hood. It does have "Tiger" rocker enhancements bolted on.
CLICK-> AP 2004 GTO 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Other side of the Arrowhead Performance Impulse Blue 2004 GTO. The seats have been converted to be all blue, not just blue accents.
CLICK-> Side Exhausts Has viewer comments Cool! The exhaust exits out the side of the car.

CLICK-> Edelbrock GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Torrid Red Edelbrock 2004 GTO project car. This car was made to show off some of the performance parts that Edelbrock makes.
CLICK-> Edelbrock Project Car Left rear fender of the Edelbrock 2004 GTO project car. Nice set of wheels.

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2004 - SEMA Carshow in Las Vegas    Lot 2 of 3.

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Says Gil Neza (gilamonster20.@msn.com) - "I'm glad there isn't a lot of stupid people on here who only like Pontiac and hate Ford, Chevy. It should be Ford, Chevy, and Pontiac against all the damn rice rockets."