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Added 6/01
Let's do a frame-off on a 1968 GTO hardtop In words and pictures.
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Frank Rinaldi (gtofrank68@yahoo.com) from Watertown, Connecticut did a frame-off on his 1968 GTO hardtop. He documented the 5-year process with photos.

1968 Hardtop Frame-off Restoration    Lot 3 of 3.
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CLICK-> 1968ht 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Here is one last shot of Frank's 1968 GTO.
CLICK-> POCI Post Card 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Frank's 1968 GTO was one of two GTO's featured on this P.O.C.I. promo postcard (lower right corner).
CLICK-> Mag Scan #1 Then it was featured in the Nov/Dec issue of Pontiac Enthusiast Magazine. The scans of the article are posted here with permission. Please do not reproduce these images elsewhere.
CLICK-> Mag Scan #2 More scans from Pontiac Enthusiast Magazine featuring Frank's car.
CLICK-> Mag Scan #3 Has viewer comments Here is part of a letter Frank Rinaldi submitted to High Performance Pontiac magazine. It shows the personal side of owning a GTO.
Dear HPP,

   My affection for Pontiacs began in the summer of 1968. I was eleven years old and very excited that my older brother had just returned home from Vietnam. One day our cousin stopped by to welcome my brother back home and show off his new 68 GTO. I immediately fell in love with it and thought it was the ultimate car. Over the years I would wash and wax it just to be taken for rides.
   Years later, my cousin started raising a family and decided he needed a more family oriented vehicle and it was time to sell the GTO. I tried to purchase it but it was sold to his brother in law. From there, it was involved in a few accidents and engine changes.
   I still tried to own it and restore it to past glory but could never strike a deal.
   Then in 1993, I was discussing with my wife how all my friends were purchasing Muscle Cars and how I always wanted a 1968 GTO like the one my cousin had. She gave me her support and the search began.
   That October, I answered an ad for a 68 GTO. It was a one owner that had spent most of its 25 years in Califorinia. The drivetrain was original (every number matched). Also it had the “must haves” I was looking for, a 4 speed transmission, hidden headlights, vinyl top and black interior. There were a few bonuses. All the original paperwork - even the protect-o-plate and an HO engine. It was solid, but it showed the wear and tear of a quarter century, and would need a complete restoration. The deal was completed and my restoration project began.
   Everything was disassembled down to the last nut and bolt. When my wife walked into our garage and saw the frame on one side and the body with no doors, glass or interior on the other, she just looked at me and said;

”so this is going to be a car again ?”
I restored every part to the same condition it had when it left the factory. The frame was sandblasted, then coated with PPG epoxy primer then finished in low gloss black.   All bushings, body mounts and the front suspension were replaced.

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1968 Hardtop Frame-off Restoration    Lot 3 of 3.

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