Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for the 1968 and 1969 G.T.O. Goats!  
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The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site By Sean Mattingly. There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!

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The 25th Anniversary POCI Convention

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The show was held at the Holiday Inn Southeast in Aurora Colorado (outside Denver) July 9-13, 1997. Events included Drag Racing at Bandimere Speedway, Technical Seminar with John Sawruk (A Chief Engineer at Pontiac who owns a '71 GT-37), Tour of Clive Cussler's Auto Museum, and a seminar featuring Smokey Yunick & John DeLorean

All photography below is by Ken Carothers. Cropping, brushing, and visual wierdness added by Sean Mattingly.

CLICK-> black 67 and 64 GTOs '67 GTO black next to a '64 GTO black with Trans Am wheels
CLICK-> black 65 Tempest wagon '65 GTO! wagon right front view sniffing a Firebird
CLICK-> black 65 Tempest wagon '65 GTO! wagon with hood up front left view
CLICK-> burgundy 65 GTO '65 GTO hardtop Burgundy has Hurst wheels & redlines
CLICK-> 66 GTO trunk art "Old Goat" artwork on a white car - 2 views. Above artwork is on a '66 GTO with a 455 owned by Jim Dorko of Dallas, Texas. His tow rig has a similar graphic painted on it showing the Billy Goat in a Little Red Wagon with a zoomie header equipped, fire belching Poncho engine behind him powering the wagon.
CLICK-> 66 GTO '66 GTO hardtop front left view next to a truck
CLICK-> blue 68 LeMans '68 LeMans hardtop blue is sharp - I blurred the background for a cool effect
CLICK-> green 68 GTO '68 GTO hardtop Verdoro Green - I blurred the background for a neat effect. It's owned by Jeff Pund of Arkansas.
CLICK-> blue 68 GTO convertible '68 GTO convertible blue with standard headlamps
CLICK-> blue 68 GTO convertible '68 GTO convertible blue left rear view
CLICK-> silver 68 GTO '68 GTO hardtop silver with hood up
CLICK-> silver 68 GTO '68 GTO htop silver left rear view - Oh, yeah!
CLICK-> green 68 GTO up-front '68 and '69 GTO beaks in a lineup
CLICK-> green 68 GTO '68 GTO hardtop Forest Green? with badge on grill. Do you see the blue car in the background of the above picture? Does anybody know who made that '71 - '72 Grand Prix into a convertible? Jeff Pund (jeff.pund@gfii.com) of Arkansas says he knows the guy who owns the Grand Prix convertible. His name is Joel and he is from St. Louis. He had a guy fabricate that from an Olds Cutlass top mechanism.
CLICK-> green 68 GTO up-front '68 and '69 GTO lineup rear view
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