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by Sean Mattingly.
2008 Ames Tri-Power Pontiac Nationals - Norwalk coverage
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2008 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk.    Lot 7 of 7.
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CLICK-> 79 Trans Am This must be a 1979 Trans Am. They changed the style of the hood bird a little bit each year, improving it.
CLICK-> 79 Trans Am Seats You could just climb right in here. Are these Recaro seats?

CLICK-> Top of the RV The night before the event started, the RVs lined up across from the Summit facility. The organizers directed the RVs to form this line so they could enter the track in an orderly fashion in the morning. Here, I stood on the top of my '90 Rexhall Airex to have a look around.
CLICK-> LeMans on a Trailer Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating This is a night photo. The cars and trailers are gathered across the street from the Summit Motorsports Park. At this point, anticipation is building for the event. A thunderstorm is also building up. There was lightning on this night.
CLICK-> Putting to Bed A night shot before the Norwalk event started. The night before, people are gathering, having cookouts and talking about cars, of course.
CLICK-> Night Time The lines of RVs were beginning to grow, with more arriving throughout the night. People come from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland, Illinois, well... pretty much everywhere to attend this yearly event. If you want to stay in an area hotel, make sure you book one a year ahead of time. And be prepared to pay a lot for your hotel room. Norwalk is near Cedar Point amusement park, which keeps the hotel rates fairly high in this region. Maybe that's why so many people bring their tents and RVs to Summit Motorsports Park.

CLICK-> Firebird Dragster This 1998 Firebird is always a crowd pleaser. Here it is on the track. The air is filled with haze after a smoky pre-race burnout. The car has a unique paint job. It has purple flippy paint. Instead of having flames painted onto the car, it has Indian feathers, keeping with the Pontiac indian mascot theme.

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2008 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk.    Lot 7 of 7.

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