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by Sean Mattingly.
2008 Ames Tri-Power Pontiac Nationals - Norwalk coverage
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2008 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk.    Lot 3 of 7.
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CLICK-> White 67 GTO 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating The 1967 GTO from Ohio is lookin good. The red fender liners are somewhat visible. The car also has a red interior, one of my favorite looks for a car with white paint.
CLICK-> 67 GTO Enigne Have a look at the engine on Tom's 1967 GTO.
CLICK-> Red Interior !!! What a beautiful red interior. You basically have the stock interior with a 4-speed manual.
CLICK-> White 67 GTO The red stripe adds to the visuals and sets it off.

CLICK-> Purple 67 GTO 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating What a nice 1967 GTO from Fred Mazzoni of Michigan. There's something great about a car with the BF Goodriches on shiny wheels. The Plum Mist paint rocks.
CLICK-> 67 GTO Engine Has viewer comments Ahh! Fred has the 3 Demon carbs workin. I'm sure he gets a kick out of that modification.
CLICK-> Info Card Has viewer comments This is one of the nicer display signs you will ever see. I always appreciate knowing a little more about the car, and this sign has just the right amount of info included. However, I have observed that a whopping 99.9 percent of these signs have typos. Does Fred's sign have any? Read it and see if you spot any. Plum Mist, good. Pertronix, good, spelled that right. Most people don't know how to spell that brand. Flowmaster, good. Many folks misspell that brand as two words Flow Master. Did you find any little goof-ups? No? Look again. The gear ratio is messed up. Many of us mistakenly write it as 3:55 when the correct way to express it is 3.55 or 3.55:1. NEVER 3:55. Oh yeah, and the "Parchment Leather" is not leather on a stock GTO. It LOOKS and FEELS like leather, but it is a durable reinforced leathery looking man-made product that Pontiac called expanded Morrokide. It is simulated leather. We'll give Fred a break. Somewhere I have have a photo of a funny yet sad display sign I saw at a major cruise-in where thousands of people were in attendance. It was in front of a highly modified and expertly restored Ford Falcon. The Falcon sign took a lot of time to build, made from fine materials. It was made of stained wood, had pinstripes, had beautiful etched glass screwed onto the wood with aircraft-style fasteners. It was on a metal stand made from 3 pieces of laser-cut metal with an intricate spiderweb design. The sign was probably worth more than my daily driver car, but the etched glass words on the sign were all spelled wrong. There were 20 brand names listed on it, all spelled wrong, every single one. And every word that ended in the letter "s" had an improper apostrophe in front of the "s". The Falcon had power "disk break's" and "Poolished Torg Thust Wheel's". Aaugh! Too bad.

CLICK-> Blue 67 GTO 4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Here is an automatic 1967 GTO that rolled in from Uniontown, Ohio. It was driven by John Stearns. The first shot shows the hood up. The car has a handsome vinyl top.
CLICK-> 67 GTO Engine The engine has one of those pancake-shaped chrome air cleaners on top of the carb.
CLICK-> 67 GTO Interior Has viewer comments I wonder if John listens to 8-track tapes very often?
CLICK-> Blue 67 GTO 4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating The rear of the car has a vintage plate on it.

CLICK-> Drag'in GTO 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Back at the track which adjoins the grassy showfield, a race is shaping up. A red 1967 GTO is taking on a cream-colored 1966 GTO. The 2008 "On the Ground Performance" sponsored "Chief of the Pontiacs" prize was won by John Martin. The Chief runner up was "Phat Daddy" Mike Plymale.
CLICK-> Drag'in GTO Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Both cars get the green light and hurtle toward the finish line with a blur!

CLICK-> Black 67 Tempest 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Here's a black 1967 Tempest. There's a special something-or-other hiding in the engine compartment. Most guys walked right over to the car to get a better look at the hookups on this powerplant.
CLICK-> 67 Tempest Engine Oh, the polished surfaces are perfect!

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2008 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk.    Lot 3 of 7.

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Says Tom Goldasich (tommy9691.@sprynet.com) -"Wow, I spent all Saturday afternoon at your GTO site. To say awesome is an understatement! I've looked all over for such a cool site. Keep it up!"