The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site
by Sean Mattingly. 2007 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk coverage
There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!
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2007 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk. Lot 4 of 6.
CLICK->NEW POST The 1969 drag car is called "Blaze". Here is a video walkaround of this green car. I might post some longer videos of cars next year. It all depends on website donations. Those are used to purchase more bandwidth and equipment such as a decent video camera, now lacking. CLICK->NEW POST In this video, we walk around a 1969 Custom-S to get a good look. The car has some Royal Bobcat stuff on it in addition to a pretty cool stripe job. CLICK->NEW POST Here is a close-up of the "Custom-S" emblem on the 1969 Custom-S, a one-year offering from Pontiac. CLICK->NEW POST Check out this video. This would be Arnie Beswick's next project car. It is a fiberglass Judge body. Arnie was nearby, selling his racing memorabilia and signing autographs. CLICK->NEW POST Another video documenting the fiberglass Judge body. See the interior. Or you might call it an anti-interior. CLICK->NEW POST Here is a nice Carousel Red 1969 Judge walkaround video. CLICK->NEW POST A few 1969 cars as seen in the newly-refurbished pits at Summit Motorsports Park. The whole pit area has been paved. Some racers were surprised when they arrived and saw the grassy/gravel area had been paved over. They can't stake out tents anymore, or make fires here. But the consensus among the participants was a thumbs-up for the new pavement. The pit area is less prone to rocks being thrown up by sticky-tired race cars, and the whole area is less dusty. CLICK->NEW POST This purple 1969 GTO is wild. This is a video walkaround of a flamed-out car in the pits at Summit Motorsports Park in 2007. CLICK->NEW POST Spotted in the staging lanes was this sweet Royal Bobcat car. CLICK->NEW POST Aided by my ability to spontaneously levitate, I snapped this high perspective of the 1969 Royal Bobcat car. CLICK->NEW POST Interior of the 1969 Royal Bobcat GTO. Notice the "Ram Air" pull knob under the steering column. I think I see some clues as to the racing equipment on board. There's a Line-Loc button and a shift light. CLICK->NEW POST Rear view showing off the attractive contrasting paint scheme of the 1969 Royal Bobcat GTO. CLICK->NEW POST More video coverage of the event. There are two things I like about this car. The fiberglass old-style hood. And the funny sign on the back quarter. CLICK->NEW POST A racing video. This black 1970 Judge redlights in the far lane. The red car had a 9.3 second run. CLICK->NEW POST Another video. We're walking around the 1970 Judge. Notice that Pontiac racer Arnie Beswick has signed the radiator area.
2007 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk. Lot 4 of 6.
Norwalk, OH
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Ken Kobell from Virginia - "I decided you were truly (1) the Ann Landers of GTO lovers and (2) the GTO answer man."