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by Sean Mattingly.
2007 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk coverage
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2007 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk.    Lot 2 of 6.
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CLICK-> 65 GTO Race Trunk NEW POST Just some racing "groceries". The trunk area has been modified for racing. It has been tubbed. There is an electric fuel pump, a fuel cell, some batteries and a battery charger.

CLICK-> Red 65 GTO Video NEW POST A video of another car in the pits at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio. Walk around with me. The track announcer is summoning different classes of cars to drive into the staging lanes. He can be heard on the overhead public address speakers and on a localized FM radio station.

CLICK-> Gray 65 GTO Convertible 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating NEW POST The 1965 "Stone Soup" GTO is here! What a surprise this was. I had been following the restoration progress on this car for a long time. It was featured on a Detroit radio station's website, WCSX, as a car that was being restored and then given away in a charity raffle. The car started as a LeMans which was a total mess. It was transformed into a good GTO clone with many custom touches.
CLICK-> Gray 65 GTO Convertible 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating NEW POST Good view of this '65 car shows some fine craftsmanship which was contributed by many individuals and businesses in the Detroit area.
CLICK-> Gray 65 GTO NEW POST The "Stone Soup" GTO is straight, smooth as glass all the way down.
CLICK-> Rally II Wheels NEW POST You need to see a close-up of these wheels on the "Stone Soup" GTO project car. Chromed Rally II wheels with some Firestone rubber.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Interior NEW POST The interior of the "Stone Soup" GTO is nice with some custom equipment. If you saw the restoration of this car on the WCSX website, it began with a pair of ratty underwear hanging from the rearview mirror. Now the car is all restored and fuzzy dice hang from the mirror. Nice improvement! here is a link to a "before" photo showing the underwear on the WCSX radio station website.
CLICK-> 4-speed NEW POST What a luxury! Another interior shot of the "Stone Soup" GTO shows a retractable video player in the dash.
CLICK-> Rear Seat Emblem NEW POST JJ and Lynne are the Detroit DJ's who spearheaded the "Stone Soup" car project. It came from WCSX 94.7 "The Classic Rock Station". The people who won the car are proudly displaying it at car shows.
CLICK-> Tri-Power NEW POST This car is "gifted" in more ways than one. Kathy & Chris Warfield's "Stone Soup" car is sportin' a Tri-Power.
CLICK-> Trunk View NEW POST The trunk of the "Stone Soup" GTO has a unique stereo setup.
CLICK-> Name Tag NEW POST As the entry card states, the owners are Chris and Kathy Warfield from Michigan. In the radio station's 2005 raffle, over $272,000 was raised for the Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan.

CLICK-> 65 Tempest 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating NEW POST Here is a 1965 Tempest convertible with the hood up.
CLICK-> Tempest Emblem NEW POST A close-up of the Tempest emblem.
CLICK-> 65 Tempest Engine NEW POST "You've Got Mail!" This Tempest engine photo reveals a customized mailbox on display. It says "GTO Wanna Be".

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2007 Ames Tri-Power Nationals - Norwalk.    Lot 2 of 6.

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2007 Norwalk Tri-Power Nationals photos & videos
2007 GTOAA convention was in Ohio
2007 Drive-In Movie Tour hit 4 drive-ins

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