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The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site by Sean Mattingly.
2006 Drive-In Movie Tour coverage

2006 Drive-In Movie Tour.    Lot 5 of 7.
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CLICK-> Drive In #7 The webmasters' webmistresses, Julie and Mary Ann are watching the movie. Don't tell them I posted this picture on the site. In this photo, they are watching the "Pirates Of The Caribbean" movie as the scary sea monster raises its tentacles out of the water to crush a pirate ship. Methinks that's why they look so scared. Ha-rrr! The Georgetown, Indiana Drive-In theater is 21 miles northwest of Louisville, Kentucky. Their website is at http://www.georgetowndrivein.com DIRECTIONS From Louisville: I64W to the Georgetown Exit #118. Turn right. Three miles on the right in Georgetown, Indiana. Rating this theater on a five star scale, I'd give them 5 stars for overall appearance/appeal, 5 stars for the snack bar, 5 stars for projection quality & sound, 5 stars for their prices, and 5 stars for their showmanship.

CLICK-> Drive In #8 Airline Twin Drive-In (Winchester, Indiana): We were here on July 22, 2006. This one has two screens. They were showing Monster House and Click on screen one. They had Lady in the Water and Superman Returns on the second screen. This theather is open seven days a week. I have been to this drive-in many times. When the Muncie Ski-Hi was still open, we'd go there primarily. But if we'd already seen the movies playing at the Ski-Hi, we'd go to the Airline. Coincidentally, before the Ski-Hi closed at the end of the 2005 season, it was owned by the same people that run this theater.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Adults cost $5 while children only cost $2. Tuesday is car load night - only $5 for the whole load. This marquee looks verrrry familiar. Judging from the shape of the lighted portion, it was originally installed at a tri-plex. It used to have the numbers "1 2 3" on it. I'll bet this sign was originally in the Muncie Mall's tri-plex before it closed. It looks so familiar. Who has a photo of the lighted sign when it was in the mall? ...anyone?
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Has viewer comments This is poetry. The sun is beginning to settle on the horizon of the western sky. Crickets are chirping. Breeze rustles through the surrounding cornfields. Neon glows on the ticket booth near the tall projection screen. The smell of popcorn is in the air. Mmmmm, the gravel road leads to popcorn.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Cars making their way through the ticket booth at the Airline Twin Drive-In. Hey, Read the sign! Parking lights only!
CLICK-> Drive In #8 We head on in. With only the parking lights on! Like it matters in the daylight. Rumbling down the gravel driveway with just the "yellows" on.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Panorama Shot at sunset. This place is huge!
CLICK-> Drive In #8 The place filled up pretty quickly on this beautiful summer night. Lots of kids. They had a play area for kids up front.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Head out to check out the snack bar. Lots of green paint. Gotta head inside and order a whole pizza at this drive-in. It's a ritual, it's good. But make sure they remember to cut it.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Inside the snack bar is soda and popcorn. There are two lines with one register in the middle.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 Sun is going down. Better get back to the Goat. ...with the fresh pizza and a stack of napkins. I am not afraid to eat in my car. In fact, I enjoy it when my car always smells like the fun places I've been. My car smells like gasoline, ketchup, Armor-All, and bug spray, no problem.
CLICK-> Drive In #8 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating A kid walks past. Hi Mary Ann! Wave! Rating this theater on a five star scale, I'd give them 4 stars for overall appearance/appeal, 4 stars for the snack bar, 3 stars for projection quality & sound, 4 stars for their prices, and 2 stars for their showmanship.

CLICK-> Drive In #9 Has viewer comments Skyline Drive-In (Logansport, Indiana): This drive-in was visited on August 19th, 2006. This is the marquee. They are only open on weekends. We saw Snakes on a Plane and Pulse. It was a double feature day - in that I went to a Logansport charity car show before the movies. The car show was at the Pizza Hut in town. Car show participants raised money for little kids that needed car seats. The timing was good. After the car show, I hit the B&K rootbeer stand on the way to the movies. What a perfect Saturday.
CLICK-> Drive In #9 Below the marquee were a few spare letters. Humm... Can I spell anything. How about Hermmet? Therm-Me? Maybe the letter underneath can be wild. Does that help? Math-Term?
CLICK-> Drive In #9 Cool. Here's the mother load! I bet I can spell a lot more with these additional letters. Inside the ticket booth, they store dozens more letters on shelves. The guy at the booth agreed that their easiest sign to put up during the summer was the shortest, "R V".

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2006 Drive-In Movie Tour.    Lot 5 of 7.

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Says Terry Deneui (deneui.@rconnect.com) - "I have had two GTOs, both when I was a lot younger; and when I browse your site I am the GOAT-ROPER once more! THANK YOU!"