Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 2006 G.T.O. Goats!  
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Last updated 9/4/06. New pics start on page 6

The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site by Sean Mattingly.
2006 Drive-In Movie Tour coverage

2006 Drive-In Movie Tour.    Lot 4 of 7.
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CLICK-> Drive in #7 Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating I'm getting out of the car. Fresh from the Georgetown carwash, we got there early for a prime parking spot. I usually park near the snack bar. We're in the center of the grounds, just a couple rows from the screen. This is the '68 UltimateGTO.com GTO which on this evening was carrying precious cargo. We had two hot chicks, some laptops, some digital cameras, a tripod, portable color radar, two boombox FM radios and... and... *ALL* colors of Skittles!
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Has viewer comments This is the main screen. The Georgetown Drive-In Theater had both working speakers on the poles and FM radio sound to choose from. Owner Billy Powell explained that he had collected the speakers from various out-of-business theaters. Most speakers have words engraved/embossed on them showing which theater they were originally from. In front of the screen there is a playground for the kids.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Another shot of the main screen. Instead of little hills that point your car up in the air to see the screen, this theather was built on a hill. The main screen was at the bottom. The cars sat on flat terraces (steps) each higher than the next. It was "stadium seating" with a good view from everywhere.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Has viewer comments Seen early in the evening before it got dark, there was a second screen in the back off to the side. While I didn't walk to the back of the grounds to check it out, it appears to also have a playground at the base of the screen. This place is kept in good repair which keeps customers coming back every week.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 The little shack high up on the hill projected the movies for both screens. The owner said he is interested in hosting cruise/movie nights for car clubs. Whenever the GTO Nationals comes back to Louisville, UltimateGTO.com will try to get a cruise/movie night onto the official schedule of events.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 The Snack Bar. This building had an unusual design. The wide "window" on the right is actually a garage door. It is raised so people in the video game room can see outside and have fresh air. To the right of the photo behind the snack bar is a "pizza tent". It was decked out in a caribbean theme for the opening night of "Pirates" on a previous evening.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 The Georgetown Drive-In snack bar entrance was around the corner. Check out the food paintings on the wall. Inside, they have everything you'd want to eat or drink.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 The back of the snack bar showed which end was which.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 As you walked into the snack bar you could go to the left and check out several good video games and candy machines. In the bright green shirt, web helper Jeff Klein is looking out the video game window toward the main movie screen.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 This snack bar had everything. They did a good job of promoting the movies, with "Pirates" and "Superman" decorations. This is the first drive-in I've seen that decorates for the movies other than just hanging up simple movie posters. It really is a special place that we will try to visit each summer.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Before the movies started, the ladies visited the snack bar. They're getting popcorn, corn dogs and sodas. The Georgetown Drive-In theater had a good assortment of items - even bug spray if you needed it.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 The backside of screen one was lighted. It was one huge screen. The owner said that he personally had taken it down from a closed theater and reassembled it here along highway 64.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Another shot of the neon 1957 Chevy out front. It was created by the owner, Billy Powell who is also an auto mechanic.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Has viewer comments Yet another shot of the neon 1957 Chevy, a popular model. In 1965, the California Department of Motor Vehicles listed 35,000 '57 Chevies on the road in the state. That's an astounding survival rate for an American car (although in 1957, Chevrolet enjoyed total sales of 750,000 units). No other American automobile has survived the years with equal fortitude.
CLICK-> Drive In #7 Neon 1957 Chevys are Way Cool. What style. For 1957 the grille was made taller and wider than previous years. One neat exterior trick was the way the fuel cap had been hidden. It was inside a door in the fin above the left taillight.

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2006 Drive-In Movie Tour.    Lot 4 of 7.

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