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Shelf 9 of 9
Model Shelf #1  1964
Model Shelf #2  1965
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Model Shelf #7  1970
Model Shelf #8  1971
Model Shelf #9  1972 - 2006 & list

1972 sprue

CLICK-> 72 Scream'in Eagle Kit Has viewer comments Scream'in Eagle Parts 1/25th scale 1972 GTO Pro-Stock Screamin' Eagle MPC model kit. It was sent in by Jim Wallace. There's also a side view of the box. It shows all the action parts that make the pro stocks the wildest, new scene in drag racing!!!
CLICK-> Scream'in Eagle in Catalog Here is a model catalog from Jim Wallace. It features the 1972 Screamin' Eagle car in it. The rear spoiler is missing in this picture.
CLICK-> Scream'in Eagle in Catalog Here are more views of the Screaming Eagle car. This built-up one is from Timothy Sickle. Timothy thinks it is a re-tool of the '72 GTO which appears immediately below it on the shelf.

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CLICK-> 72 GTO MPC #1 72 GTO fogger kit This 1972 kit could be built three different ways. MPC / General Mills released this one in 1972. The scale is 1/25. The box reads: "BONUS! PRE-PAINTED FOGGING! BODY MOLDED IN YELLOW, AND BARRIS- DESIGNED FOGGED PAINT JOB ALREADY APPLIED TO SIDE PANELS!" Dave says the fogging effect was not decals, it looks like it is actually painted (fogged) after molding. The body is color molded in "gold".
CLICK-> 72 GTO MPC #2 Has viewer comments 72 GTO fogger parts These view show the contents of the kit.
CLICK-> 500 tickets 1 500 tickets 2 There is also wording on the box about an "MPC 500 Kit Idea Contest". Here you can see both sides of the entry form. The 1st image shows what the prizes were. The 2nd image has the rules and the entry blank. Thanks to Dave for the scans.

CLICK-> 1972 GTO model #1 Has viewer comments This one was sent in by Kenny Gregrich. He tells us: "The car is a '72 GTO 1/25 scale kit by MPC and is dated 1980. The kit is molded in a deep red. The body looks pretty good however a place to cut the hood for a scoop is a little noticable from the outside and would need a little fixing for a stock version (not much though). The kit only contains a custom set of wheels (as seen on the box cover). A set of rallys or honeycombs from another kit would make the car look nice. The interior, also molded in red features your choice of stock or racing bucket seats and has a correct looking four speed console. Decal sheet includes the stripes shown on the box cover, plus 2 "GTO 455 CID" decals and one "GTO" decal for the trunk lid (although it is not needed since the GTO is molded into the body). One note is that the body has a "GTO" molded into the side of the quarter panel and not on the fender/door as the box cover shows. Sponsor decals include Hays, Champion, Hurst, GoodYear and MPC. The kit also includes a very incorrect Judge rear wing. The wing is somewhat the '69 style but has no center pedestals. The way it is set up on this car, the trunk lid would not open. And finally the kit also includes the correct for '72 non-cutout rear valance with the side exiting exhaust splitters."
Thanks, Kenny!
CLICK-> 1972 GTO model #1 Has viewer comments This view shows the spoiler applied to a finished car.

CLICK-> 72 GTO Model 72 GTO Model AMT/Ertl came out with this 1972 GTO hardtop late in 2004. It's part of their Street Customs line up. Strangely enough, it contains NO custom parts (thankfully!), although it does include a drag strip Christmas tree; I don't see a GTO emblem molded into the driver's side front grille. It's #38162.

CLICK-> 1972 GTO promo #1 1972 GTO dealer promotional car. The color is Monarch Yellow. This was the last year for the GTO promo model. John Witzke from Iowa says a unique feature on the 1972 promo is the chrome splitter exhaust extensions behind the rear wheels. You can click on the picture to see the fullsize version. A magnified view of the splitters can also be seen. He purchased this model for $180 with the original box. It is in mint condition.

CLICK-> 1972 GTO promo #2 Anaconda Gold 72 Promo Anaconda Gold 1972 GTO dealer promotional car. The first one (wth the box) is sent in by Warren Hanbury. The second one is owned by John Witzke.

1973 sprue
There are no production 1973 GTO models anywhere on earth.
Many people have said that they are trying to build a model of each year of GTO produced (1964 to 1974). But that is almost impossible due to the lack of kits for the years 1973 and 1974. Paul Dorton (pauldort@email.msn.com) says for the year of 1973 he got a Johan brand 1975 Cutlass, which was the only kit ever done of the Colonade body style, which he will attempt to modify to look like a 1973 GTO. Look below and you'll see a 1975 Grand Am that was built from these kits.

1974 sprue
There are no production 1974 GTO models on the planet.

Create your own 74 Model Create your own 74 Model Create your own 74 Model Create your own 74 Model Create your own 74 Model Rick Hannah is building a replica plastic model of his 1974 GTO. He is taking parts from a couple of kits and combining them.

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Here's a note from Tim Boyd (Tskmboyd@aol.com) -
"Now I see you have the kit photos for GTO model cars.....you may want to add the '75 Pontiac Ventura by MPC - it contained a '74 GTO style Shaker hood scoop and may well represent the planned '75 GTO that never made it when GM switched the Pontiac Ventura to the Buick 350 V-8 engine that year....it even has "GTO" decals on the decal sheet."
Ok - Here you go!
CLICK-> 1975 GTO kit 1975 GTO model by MPC was based on a Pontiac Sprint. It could be built with a variety of funky options including side pipes, fender skirts, black G.T.O. graphics, and a Buick V-8 engine. As most people know, Pontiac never made a GTO in 1975. The '75 Sprint is MPC kit # 1-7503. The copyright date on the box is 1974. It's a "3 in 1" kit with options for Stock, Drag or GTO Custom version. It's interesting to note that the "stock" version includes the shaker scoop that came with the 74 GTO. There is no stock hood in the kit, only the one with the hole in it. Other than that it's a typical mid 70s MPC kit. The decals include the markings shown on the box plus a "Bonus Decal" which is a 1 inch Bell Helmets logo. It has 4 stock Goodyear Wide Tread Polyglas tires and a nice pair of Mickey Thompson "Holley M/T" cheater slicks. Thanks to Paul Dorton for sending me a scan of the 1975 boxtop with kit descriptions. He says he intends to scratchbuild a '74 front end for this kit to resemble a '74 GTO.

Here's a bunch of other interesting GTOish model kits
CLICK-> 75 Grand Am Has viewer comments 75 Grand Am Has viewer comments 75 Grand Am How about a 1975 Grand Am that was converted from a Johan 1975 Olds Cutlass snap kit and an AMT 1969 Hurst Olds plus various scratch built parts. It was featured in the March 1996 issue of Car Modeler. It can be seen at on the web at http://home.vol.com/~augie/carsairio5grandamfront.html
CLICK-> 1975 Ventura Model Kit 1975 Ventura Model Kit Has viewer comments 1976 Ventura model kit which contains GTO stickers. This was our Picture Of the Week for 10/7/01.

2004-6 sprue
CLICK-> Red 2004 GTO Model Red 2004 GTO Model This is the AMT/ERTL Rides Magazine Custom Collection 2004 GTO plastic model kit (#38552). This one has a black interior, spoiler, and 17-inch chrome wheels. The hood does not have hood scoops, so it's a real factory 2004 GTO. This one paint, a paint brush, and glue!
CLICK-> Blue 2004 GTO Model Blue 2004 GTO Model 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Free Diecast How about a AMT/Ertl Johnny Lightning blue 2004 GTO plastic model kit (#38459). This one is shown with a gray interior. It comes with a small Hotwheel size blue 2004 diecast. Check out the lower left corner of the box cover.

Let's see pictures of the models you've built!

Here is a nearly complete list of all the GTO model kits ever made:

                                 Year    Year
Company         Number  Modifier of car  of kit  Box information               Scale 
 AMT            5624    150      1964    1964    3 in 1 Red Hardtop             25 plastic
 Monogram       2461    M0100    1964    1996    Customized (2x4 thru hood)     24 plastic
 Monogram       2714             1964    1991    Red GTO facing right           24 plastic
 Monogram       2714    0100     1964    1985    Red hardtop facing left        24 plastic
 Williams Bros  56200   545      1964    1995    Black and white hardtop        87 plastic
 ERTL           30285            1964    ????    Metal kit                      ?? ?
 AMT            2600    150      1965    1965    Red custom (Tiger stripe box)  25 plastic
 AMT            2600    170      1965    1965    Red custom (Tiger stripe box)  25 plastic
 AMT            2600    200      1965    1965    Red custom (Tiger stripe box)  25 plastic
 AMT            3205    300      1965    ????    Street Sleeper                 25 plastic
 AMT            5615    150      1965    1965    3 in 1 White convertible       25 plastic
 AMT            T187    225      1965    ????    Mod Stocker                    ?? plastic
 AMT            T286    200      1965    ????    Show and go                    25 plastic
 AMT            31514   1HD      1965    2001    Gold convertible               25 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       6593    10EO     1965    ????    3 in 1 Red Hardtop (IN-DANS)   25 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       6593    11EO     1965    1986    3 in 1 Red Hardtop (IN)        25 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       8123    10DO     1965    1992    3 kits w/68 Ply & 66 Ford      25 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       8201    10D0     1965    1998    Brown convertible facing left  25 plastic
 Aurora         3252    795      1965    1965    Slot car                       32 plastic
 Aurora         664     100      1965    1965    Yellow hardtop w/ #6 on side   32 plastic
 Aurora         664     130      1965    1965    Yellow hardtop w/ #6 on side   32 plastic
 Aurora         664     79       1965    1965    Yellow hardtop w/ #6 on side   32 plastic
 Aurora -Canada 664     130      1965    1965    Yellow hardtop w/ #6 on side   32 plastic
 K & B          1826    600      1965    1965    Slot car                       32 plastic
 Model Builders 6954    0200     1965    1980    Red hardtop (Parents magazine) 32 plastic
 Monogram       2002    0100     1965    1979    Red hardtop                    32 plastic
 Road Apples    2010             1965    1995    Approx 1/174 see thru pack    174 plastic
 M.E.V.         MV-8             1966    1997    Approx 1/87 slotcar            ?? plastic
 MPC            11      200      1966    1966    Pontiac GeeTO Tiger            25 plastic
 MPC            12      149      1966    1966    Convertible                    25 plastic
 MPC            711     1295     1966    1966    DYN-O Sidewinder slot car kit  25 plastic
 MPC            711     B1295    1966    1966    DYNO slot car (Ready to Run)   25 plastic
 Revell/Monogra 85-2537          1966    1998    Blue hardtop                   25 plastic
 Revell         85-4167          1966    ????    ??                             25 plastic
 Testors        223              1966    2000    Platinum Series black hardtop  24 metal
 Testors        460002           1966    2000    Platinum Series red hardtop    24 metal
 Testors        460008           1966    ????    ?? Metal kit                   24 metal 
 AMT            M795-79          1966    ????    ??                             ?? ?
 AIRFIX         831              1967    1967    Monkeemobile                   24 plastic
 AMT            3510    79       1967    ????    Customized hardtop             43 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       30259   1HD      1967    2000    Monkees mobile Barris Kustom   25 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       6058?   PO       1967    1989    Monkeemobile (Blueprinter)     25 plastic
 IMAI           530787  2200     1967    2000    Mooneyes Monkeemobile          24 plastic
 IMAI           B-1398  800      1967    1983    SuperDriving GTO Monkeemobile  24 plastic
 IMAI           B-2510  1500     1967    1995    Monkeemobile (error 1966)      24 plastic
 MPC            1-0635  202      1967    1976    Fonz' Rod same body as Monkees 25 plastic
 MPC            1167    200      1967    1967    Blue Hardtop funny car         25 plastic
 MPC            1267    150      1967    1967    Convertible                    25 plastic
 MPC            605     200      1967    1967    Monkeemobile w/ removable top  25 plastic
 MPC            701     200      1967    ????    Dick Jesse Mr. Unswitchable    25 plastic
 MPC            1-0730  202      1967    1984    Blue hardtop                   25 plastic
 MPC            6318    10EO     1967    1984?   Blue hardtop (No Pont trdmark) 25 plastic
 MPC/ERTL       6318    11EO     1967    ????    Blue hardtop (No Pont trdmark) 25 plastic
 MPC/ERTL       6318    12EO     1967    1989    Blue hardtop (Pontiac trdmark) 25 plastic
 Otaki          3001             1967    ????    Blue hardtop                   30 ?
 Paramount      107     300      1967    1969    Blue hardtop (Canadian issue)  30 plastic
 Cox            11100            1968    1968    Super .020 Gas-powered drives  25 motorized 
 Monogram       1029    0100     1968    1981    Snap-Tite 'Old Goat'           32 plastic
 Monogram       2208    0100     1968    1984    Red street machine (Hardtop)   24 plastic
 Monogram       1067             1968    ????    Snap-Tite                      ?? plastic
 MPC            1168    200      1968    1968    Red hardtop w/clear hood       25 plastic
 MPC            1268    200      1968    1968    Convertible                    25 plastic
 MPC            708     200      1968    1968    Bobcat GTO Funny Car           25 plastic
 Revell         85-2985          1968    2000    GTO Street Machine             24 plastic
 Aurora         1411    3.00     1969    1971    Convertible slot car (colors)  87 plastic
 Eldon          9450    200      1969    1969    'Invader' W/2 GTO engines      25 ?
 Monogram       1076             1969    1991    Red Judge hardtop (a reissue)  32 plastic
 Monogram       2294    0101     1969    1982    White Judge hardtop            24 plastic
 Monogram       2443    M0100    1969    1994    Red Judge                      24 plastic
 MPC            1169    200      1969    1969    Blue hardtop 'Breakaway'       25 plastic
 MPC            1269    200      1969    1969    Convertible                    25 plastic
 MPC            622     300      1969    1969    Raiders coach                  25 plastic
 MPC            719     200      1969    1969    Arnie Beswick's 'The Judge'    25 plastic
 Revell/Monogra 85      6670?    1969    1998    Red Judge                      24 plastic
 Testors        7120             1969    1999    Lincoln Mint Judge is metal    24 metal
 MPC            1170             1970    1970    Red hardtop 'N. Woodward Spc.' 25 plastic
 MPC            1-2750           1970    1972    Super stock short oval car     25 plastic
 MPC            4070    150      1970    1970    Red hardtop 'Fast Pack'        25 plastic
 MPC            737              1970    ????    GTO Goat                       25 plastic
 MPC/ERTL       6281    10EO     1970    1987    Red hardtop                    25 plastic
 Doyusha        A-3     800      1971    ????    White hardtop                  24 plastic
 Doyusha        NH-7    1200     1971    ????    Wht Judge (Box error as 1964)  24 motorized
 MPC            1-0453  225      1971    1971    Street Funny Car               25 plastic
 MPC            1-1706  225      1971    1971    David Pearson's NASCAR #33     25 plastic
 MPC            1-7111  200      1971    1971    Blue hdtp 'Woodys Woodchopper' 25 plastic
 MPC            1-0748  202      1972    1980    Red Hardtop                    25 plastic
 MPC            1-1753  225      1972    1972    Bill Nelson 'Screamin Eagle'   25 plastic
 MPC            1-7211  250      1972    1972    Barris 'pre-fogged' paint      25 plastic
 MPC            Q1-0748          1972    1980    Canadian issue (French)        25 plastic
 AMT/ERTL       38162            1972    2004    Blue Hardtop Street Customs    25 plastic
 MPC            1-7503  202      1975    1975    Sprint G.T.O.                  25 plastic
 MPC            1-7603           1976    1976    Ventura GTO                    25 plastic
Thanks to Jon E. Hardgrove (carbking@advertisnet.com) for providing most of the listing above.
If you have more of them, please email me.

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Says Jonathan Martel - "Very good work on the site, the best I've seen so far. I'm new to the muscle car scene and liked the GTO right away and your site is helping me fuel my passion."