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1968 sprue
CLICK-> 1968 GTO model kit 1968 GTO model kit by Monogram. This is a HUGE image so you can read the wording on the side of the box. 1/24 scale. Molded in orange. This was not the most accurate representation of the GTO. In fact, this 1984 kit was discontinued. This '68 had a '69 interior! It also had the '69 red marker lights on the rear quarters. I had fun building one of these using fat dragster tires in the back. Kit includes a cool '69 rear wing. Tim Sickle says:"Regarding the incorrect 1968 GTO Monogram did, there is a detail set with all of the '68 pieces available from Model Car Garage (I helped him to research it) This detail set includes photoetched metal parts for the grilles, steering wheel center, door handles, etc. all included." Their address is Model Car Garage, 2908 S.E. Bella Road, Port St. Lucie, FL 34984.
CLICK-> 68 Street Machine Has viewer comments This 1968 GTO is from Paul Dorton. It is a scan of the latest GTO kit, the 1968 GTO Street Machine. It is Revell kit # 85-2985. It is a straight reissue of the old Monogram 68 GTO Street Machine, # 2208. The only difference is it is molded in white instead of orange and the decals are different. Even the tires are the same.
CLICK-> 68 GTO Model by Jeff Has viewer comments Jeff Williams built up his Revell 1968 GTO Street Machine model kit. He painted it with Model Car World Verdoro Green Metallic paint.
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CLICK-> 1968 GTO slot car Has viewer comments 1968 GTO slot car races a Camaro. Of course the Pontiac will be the winner with the Camaro sliding out of control, burning up, and exploding!

CLICK-> 1968 GTO model kit 1968 GTO kit is based on early pre-production drawings from the factory. Note the rear end design resembles an early Riviera, not the real GTO.

CLICK-> 1968 GTO model kit Has viewer comments GTO innards GTO kit side 1968 GTO model kit I'd like to own. The box drawing was based on the pre-production GTO. Note the two vertical chrome pieces on either side of the license plate frame. Those never were installed on the real car, but they did show up in some factory design photos. Got an unbuilt kit like this for sale? In the second shot, we can see what comes in the kit. The thrid shot shows the side view of the box showing the different building options. I like the one with only two square headlights.
CLICK-> 1968 GTO MPC Model Ad Take a look at this magazine ad for this 1968 GTO MPC model kit. The text on this almost rivals the freeform ad copy found in the print ads for the actual car.
Great is to take home the car of the year!
Motor Trend picked The Great One.
And The Great One model kit comes from MPC.
A great kit, too. A Car of the Year kit.
Great to take home, great to open up.
Great to put together piece by piece.
Great to add your own creative touch.
Great to build into a groovy funny car.
All the parts you need (and more) are there.
Plus all the modeling ideas you've come
to expect only from MPC.
Plus all the quality you've come
to expect only from MPC.
It's another happening at MPC.
You've come to expect that too.

CLICK-> 68 MPC built This is a built version of the original MPC '68 GTO with transparent hood.

CLICK-> 1968 GTO snap kit Has viewer comments 1968 GTO snap kit side 1968 Snap Model Pieces What were they thinking? Monogram made this SnapTiteŽ 1968 GTO kit. It is a Judge! The only problem is - The Judge was not available from Pontiac that year! This inaccurate model is a 1:32 scale version. Check out the funky side exhaust pipes.
CLICK-> 1968 Snap Tite And a repackage of this 1968 GTO as a Judge.
CLICK-> 1968 snapper This must be a re-issue of Monogram's SnapTiteŽ 1968 GTO. Looks like they stopped offering it with the Judge stripes, in favor of flame stickers. They also changed to the Rally II wheel. This image was emailed in by Kenny Gregrich.
CLICK-> 1968 GTO Snap Tite Has viewer comments 1968 GTO Snap Tite 1968 GTO Snap Tite Has viewer comments Yet another version of this 1/32 size SnapTiteŽ 1968 GTO model by Revell-Monogram #1160. It is molded in green. It is #1 in a series of 6 vehicles. Revell describes it this way, "From the dark damp corners of the imagination comes a group of vehicles that cannot be tamed. They are known as the "Night Crawlers": The Serpent, The Stinger, The Widow, The Lizard, The Nightflyer and The Rodent. If you happen to see them coming down your street, you'd better run and hide... quick!"
CLICK-> 1968 GTO Snap Tite 1968 GTO Snap Tite Has viewer comments Revell also released this version of this 1/32 size SnapTiteŽ 1968 GTO model by Revell-Monogram #1167. It is molded in black plastic. It is #2 in a 'Road Chill' series of 6 vehicles. Revell describes it this way, "Across the frozen tundra rides a pack of vehicles that are so cool... They're Hot! They are 'Road Chill': Snowblind, Black Ice, Whiteout, Frostbite, Wind Chill, and Iceburg. Like an artic blast that chills to the bone, these cars clow by so fast they'll leave you cold. ..and it's rated "C" for cool.
CLICK-> 1968 GTO Snap Tite Has viewer comments 1968 GTO Snap Tite Revell is trying to get their money out of this design. Here is another version of the SnapTiteŽ 1968 GTO hardtop. This one is called "Decoy" and is part of the "Covert" series. This one is incorrectly listed in many model stores as a "Convertible". Can you guess why? The second shot shows a version built up. I do not know why the windshield decal says "Hard Man" instead of "Decoy".

CLICK-> 68 GTO promo John Witzke from Iowa photographed his 1968 convertible GTO promotional model which was available at Pontiac dealers in 1968. This one is Mayfair Maize in color. John points out that this model has a hideaway headlight grille, hood tach, Rally II wheels, and redline tires. This model is in near mint condition and has its original box. According to John, the current value is $450.
CLICK-> 68 GTO promo Has viewer comments Mark Nagel owns this Mayfair Maize 1968 GTO convertible promo model and its original box. It's interesting to see that they spelt the color as MAZE on the box.
CLICK-> 68 promo model Mark Nagel owns this Flambeau Burgundy 1968 GTO convertible promo model with its original box.

CLICK-> 68 promo model They even made a 1968 GTO hardtop promo model in Aleutian Blue. Mark Nagel has the original box for this one too.
CLICK-> 68 promos These are dealer promo cars. They were not kits, but promotional plastic cars available from Pontiac dealers. Here are a pair of cars. The one in front is Primavera Beige in color. The one in back is Aleutian Blue sitting on top of the plain box it came in. The picture is from Mark Nagel.

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CLICK-> 1968 yellow GTO toy #1 1968 yellow GTO toy #2 1968 yellow GTO toy #3 A very unusual yellow toy car. The photos were sent in by Stan Kaminski. You can see that the front of the car has a wacky hood scoop. The side view shows the 4-door Taxi stripes. Stan purchased this toy at a swap meet for $5. It is 9.5 inches long.
CLICK-> 1968 yellow GTO toy #4 1968 yellow GTO toy #5 1968 yellow GTO toy #6 Here are three more views of this yellow 1968 Taxi GTO. One view shows the toy opened up. There are wires that go to the Taxi sign on top. You can see the motor and steerable front wheels. The last view is of the underside battery compartment door. You can see what year this toy was manufactured. "Made In Hong Kong by Cragstan".

CLICK-> 68 Rail King Has viewer comments These are not models, but they are unusual. This came from a toy train catalog. On the flatcar is a pair of shiny red 1968 GTOs. Gone are the days when railways could ship cars on open flatbeds. Nowadays, vandals would tear up exposed cars of any kind. At the very least, they would arrive at their destination decorated with spray paint grafitti.
CLICK-> 1968 Cox #1 1968 Cox #2 1968 Cox #3 Has viewer comments A very cool toy to have! It is a Cox brand gasoline- powered car. This one was in mint condition in the box. The scale is 1/24.
CLICK-> 1968 Cox #4 1968 Cox #5 Has viewer comments 1968 Cox #6 Has viewer comments More views of the Cox car. You can see all the parts that come with the car. If you can find one of these, they're worth at least $400 with a box, maybe more.

That's not all! Why not check out Shelf #6 ?

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Says Rex Cummings (rexcummings.@aermfg.com) - "This is a great site for the person who loves to dream about the old days. I swear I've seen my old Goat here many times!!!"