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by Sean Mattingly.
2006 Day at the Track - Indy coverage
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2006 Day at the Track - Indy.    Lot 1 of 4.
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CLICK-> Black 1963 Tempest The Indy GTO Association held their popular "Day at the Track" on August 12, 2006 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. All kinds of Pontiacs showed up for a car show which is followed by awards, then a one-lap parade around the world's most famous oval. Here is a black 1963 Tempest sport coupe that was at the show. The car was particularly shiny and well-restored.
CLICK-> 63 Tempest Sign This is the sign that was on display with this black 1963 Tempest. The car was originally sold in Noblesville, Indiana which is not that far from Indianapolis.
CLICK-> Wheel Vent Trim Behind the front wheels were these chrome trim pieces. This along with the body indention, simulate wheel vents.
CLICK-> 63 Tempest Engine Take a look at the clean engine on this old Tempest!
CLICK-> 63 Tempest Interior A shot of the front seat and dash. I'm guessing that the car was built for some driving fun. Note the installation of a modern radio in the dash.
CLICK-> 63 Tempest Interior I wish I would have asked the owner about the shifter. The manual shifter touches the bench seat. It must be hard to hit those even gears.
CLICK-> 1963 Tempest Trunk Has viewer comments Black 1963 Tempest, clean trunk view. Typically I don't notice old Tempests, but this one was just so well done, I had to keep looking all the way around. Every detail was attended to. Every surface was polished.

CLICK-> Blue 64 GTO Convertible 3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating The show cars were situated in the large parking lot east of the "500" Hall of Fame Museum. Here's a nice looking blue 1964 GTO convertible with a Tri-Power engine under the hood.
CLICK-> 64 Tri-Power Here is a close-up of that Tri-Power engine. Everything looks complete, and correct as far as I know. Dig that old brake master cylinder with one reservoir.
CLICK-> Documentation in the Trunk The owner displayed a whole bunch of documentation in the trunk. I saw interior material color examples, vintage ads, owners manual, special convertible top owners manual, window sticker, and others. To some people, this is just a literature collection. To a good restorer, this stuff can be "homework" to be studied.
CLICK-> Carpet Samples Here are the color samples for the 1964 GTO. With this close-up photo, you can see the carpet samples glued onto the swatch book page.

CLICK-> Iris Mist 65 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Why is this picture sideways? The car sorta knocked me off my feet. Behold this Iris Mist 1965 GTO hardtop with Cragars and a Tri-Power! This car is parked right next to the "500" track. During this photo shoot, someone was speed-testing a Corvette on the 2.5 mile oval.
CLICK-> Tri-Power Nice looking Tri-Power engine under the hood.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Interior Inside was a manual transmission with a console. This one has the in-dash tach. See it in the second instrument pod from the right?

CLICK-> Red 65 GTO Convertible 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating My traveling companion for a while. As I was heading south to Indy from Anderson, this red 1965 GTO convertible was alongside. It was driving down I-69, making the trip down from Wisconsin.

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2006 Day at the Track - Indy.    Lot 1 of 4.

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Says Spencer - "I can't believe how extensive the information is on the color coding for interior and exterior and the decoding of the VIN numbers. It's great."