The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site
by Sean Mattingly. 2009 GTOAA & POCI Co-vention Coverage
There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!
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This "Dirty Bird" Firebird was a crowd-pleaser, especially when it participated in the burnout contest. CLICK->
Don't miss a chance to get your head close to a Pontiac engine. CLICK->
I believe this is a 1971 T-37. It is in the staging lanes, preparing to race on this hot day. CLICK->
And there it goes, dragging for all its worth. CLICK->
Another one in green. CLICK->
Arnie's "Grocery Getter" has made its run and is being pulled back into the pits. CLICK->
Three views of a hellacious burnout. This was accomplished by Steve Lucas in his gold car during the burnout contest. CLICK->
The aftermath. Steve got some rubber. CLICK->
Here's that red car doing a good wheelie. CLICK->
Part of the fun at the 2009 co-vention was an Autocross at Kil-Kare raceway. A few vintage GTOs and other cars were testing their skills. This is a 1969 GTO going around some cones. The red trailer in the top right of the photo is an SCCA trailer, helping to organize the event. CLICK->
The Firebirds and other cars had their turn at the autocross. Some cones are purposefully placed sideways on the ground to point the way around the course. These particular cones tell the driver to steer to the RIGHT of the line of cones. CLICK->
If you wanted, you could put it on the dyno and see what she will do. CLICK->
A gold 1966 GTO with a sign to tell its story. It's a Tiger Gold 66 GTO. CLICK->
If you are a GP fan, you checked out many of them at this meet. The POCI Grand Prix Chapter was there. Later the GP chapter hosted a Slow Drags event. It was a contest to see whose car is slowest. No braking, just idling across a parking lot. Slowest car won a turtle trophy. This event was hilarious to participate in or watch. CLICK->
At the drags, a '65 GTO-lookin wagon takes on a Firebird.
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Robbie Embrey ( - "I love your site. I've been visting it for years and just keeps getting better. Thanks for all the time you devote to your site."