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by Sean Mattingly.
2006 GTOAA International Convention coverage
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2006 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 3 of 26.
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CLICK-> 64 GTO Interior Inside we have a floor shifted manual transmission and a wood steering wheel.

CLICK-> Yellow 65 GTO Convertible Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating This Mayfair Maize 1965 GTO hardtop was concours judged. It wore pinstripes, Redline tires and Hurst wheels.
CLICK-> Yellow 65 GTO Convertible 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating This Goat had a GTO emblem painted on the inside of the trunk lid.
CLICK-> Tri-Power Under the hood was a heavily chromed Tri-Power engine. The firewall and fender liners were also painted Mayfair Maize.

CLICK-> Teal 1965 GTO Convertible 4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating This 1965 GTO convertible is Teal Turquoise.
CLICK-> Teal 1965 GTO Under the hood was a smaller Teal Turquoise 1965 GTO convertible.
CLICK-> Teal 1965 GTO Convertible 3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Teal Turquoise 1965 GTO convertible, left rear view.

CLICK-> Ralph and his 65 GTO Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating This is Ralph Marsai with his Mayfair Maize 1965 GTO hardtop. He brought it down from Michigan. This is the original color of the car.
CLICK-> Mayfair Maize 1965 GTO 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating This Mayfair Maize 1965 GTO hardtop has a Tri-Power engine under the hood.
CLICK-> 1965 GTO Interior Let's peek inside Ralph's Mayfair Maize 1965 GTO hardtop.

CLICK-> Craig and his 65 GTO 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating He's happy to have his car at the show! Craig George brought his Sonic Turquoise 1965 GTO Sport Coupe after an extensive frame-off restoration. I'm used to seeing this car in boxes, scattered around his garage. He was able to get it roadworthy a couple days before this convention was to start. Some assembly was still needed.
CLICK-> Working on the GTO Has viewer comments Here Craig and Sean assemble the front parking lights. The interior still required some door panels, front carpet and other parts. A day before the show, I had asked Craig to bring all the parts in the trunk so we could finish the car at the show. The first couple days of the convention is always slow - so we had something to do in the parking lot. It was fun. People would walk by and inspect our work. It was actually handy to have the swap meet area nearby. Craig made some quick parts runs.
CLICK-> Installing seat belts Jeff Klein, UltimateGTO.com website helper, is installing front seat belts on Craig George's car. He is reaching under the carpet to find the bosses in the floor board so that holes can be made in the carpet for the seat belt bolts. In July, it is absolutely cooking hot inside this car, but Jeff's got parts and tools, and he's on a mission. He's helping a friend get his car completed.
CLICK-> 65 GTO Resto I've never done this before, can you tell? How do you like my workbench? Sean installing chrome trim on Craig's door panels. The seats were removed from the car so the front carpet installation could be done. What's with the case of oil next to the car? That's another story (with a happy ending).
CLICK-> 65 GTO Resto Looking for a fastener! It was real hot. The members of the Indy GTO Association were there to set up a tent for some nice shade. On the left is Indy GTO Association member John Jump. His car was not at the show, so he was nice enough to take my '68 through the tech line earlier so I could keep working on Craig's car.

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2006 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 3 of 26.

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