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The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site
by Sean Mattingly.
2006 GTOAA International Convention coverage
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2006 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 1 of 26.
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CLICK-> Concours Cars Has viewer comments The 2006 GTOAA International Convention was held July 11-15 in Louisville, Kentucky. There were 450+ registrations at this show which was a record. The convention was held at the Executive West hotel near the airport. It was a very large hotel with tons of room. The main convention hall was big enough to hold most of the concours cars. It was cool indoors. The rows of concours cars were carefully staggered. This allowed the doors to easily be opened for judging.
CLICK-> Some 2004 GTOs Cars gathering early in the morning. They will eventually fill up the parking lots of the Executive West hotel. In the distance, you can see the Kentucky Kingdom rollercoasters. The largest one is called "Chang". It cost 12 million dollars to build. It can carry 1,556 riders per hour. It is 154 feet high and the riders reach a speed of 63 mph while screaming their faces off.
CLICK-> Swap Meet Has viewer comments You've got to visit a national meet for the real-life GTO shopping mall. There was a swap meet off to one side of the hotel complex. It was a great place to find that special part you were looking for. They also had some full cars there for sale.
CLICK-> Car Wash We appreciated the guys who ran the Carquest tent throughout the show. They were manning the car wash station and providing car wash supplies, ready at all times. Hats off to the host club, the Louisville Pontiac GTO Club for setting that up.
CLICK-> Jim and Paul Has viewer comments Inside the hotel was a line of T-shirt vendors as well as some celebrities. On the left is Dave Anderson, driver of the nostalgic '66 gold drag racing car "GeeTO Tiger". There's Jim Wangers (in yellow). Jim sells a line of art prints, books, diecast cars, etc. He's always ready to provide a personalized autograph. Paul Zazarine (in pink) is beginning to market his great new photo history book called "Pontiac's Greatest Decade 1959 - 1969" The Wide Track Era". I bought one of those books and it's a good one.
CLICK-> Registrations on the Map One of the coolest things I have seen is this colorful map. The show organizers made it. People would just stand and stare at this map for a long time. They were picking out their city, name and car year that had been coded onto the map based on pre-registrations. It was such a popular attraction that it was auctioned off for charity during the meet along with many other silent auction items.
CLICK-> Midwest Area The close-up shows the mid-Indiana entrants that pre-registered.

CLICK-> Blue 1964 GTO Sport Coupe Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Kenny Lentz's Gulfstream Aqua 1964 GTO sport coupe. This is the most extensive photo coverage on UltimateGTO.com to date with over 380 photos of this meet. All photos have captions. Each photo is indexed in the searchable database so it is available in the Advanced Picture Searcher. On these show coverage pages, you can see the names of many of the owners if you click on the thumbnail image and read the photo details. Here is a blue 1964 GTO Sport Coupe with a white interior.
CLICK-> Blue 1964 GTO Sport Coupe 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Front end shot of Kenny's Gulfstream Aqua 1964 GTO Sport Coupe.
CLICK-> Blue 1964 GTO Sport Coupe Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating This Gulfstream Aqua 1964 GTO Sport Coupe wore a set of Redline tires mounted on Cragars with spinners.

CLICK-> Red 1964 GTO 3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating This red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe has redline tires and spinner hub caps.
CLICK-> Red 1964 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Red 1964 GTO Sport Coupe, left side view.
CLICK-> 1964 GTO Grille Close-up of the 1964 GTO grille. Shiny!

CLICK-> Blue 1964 GTO Convertible Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating This is an original Nocturne Blue 1964 GTO convertible. It has a Tri-Power engine under the hood.
CLICK-> Blue 1964 GTO Convertible 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Nocturne Blue 1964 GTO convertible, left rear view. This one wears vintage license 1964 plates.

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2006 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 1 of 26.

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Says Karl Hackathorn (karlhac.@exotrope.net) from Elmira N.Y - "I DONT FLIPPIN BELIEVE IT!! I stumbled on a pict of (my) 1970 GTO. I can't believe I found it on a web site!!"