The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site
by Sean Mattingly. 2005 GTOAA International Convention coverage
There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!
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Midnight Blue 2005 GTO, front end view. The owner of this GTO left the recessed grilles silver. Many owners paint them either body color or black. CLICK->
Here's that Midnight Blue 2005 GTO on show day. It's all shined up and a tiger is placed under the hood. CLICK->
The Midnight Blue 2005 GTOs have gray gauge faces. This one has the 6-speed manual transmission. CLICK->
This is a Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO. This is one of the new colors the GTO was offered in for 2005. This one appears to be stock. CLICK->
Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO, front end view. This car was an early arriver at the show. CLICK->
Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO all shined up and ready to show. CLICK->
The other silver offered in 2005 is this Quicksilver color. This GTO also has the recessed grilles and an aftermarket sunroof. CLICK->
This nice Yellow Jacket 2005 GTO has body colored recessed grilles. Joe has made some legitimate mods to make the car more powerful and quicker. You are looking at an LPE (Lingenfelter Performance) Cold Air Setup with a Thermo-Tec wrap on the intake tube. Both the LPE and K&N intake units utilize this shield mechanism that forms a sealed airbox when the hood is closed in order to keep hot engine air away from the incoming air. It has nothing to do with the vents on the hood. The vents can be opened up, but all they do is provide fresh air into the engine compartment. It is not any form of Ram Air setup. That's not to say that in the future it couldn't be utilized for that. But for now it's not. The Thermo-Tec wrapping on the intake tube is there for a reason. Due to placement of the intake tube parallel the radiator, this tube absorbs a lot of radiant heat. In order to battle this, Joe installed the wrap. By doing both of these and then monitoring air temps would show that his wrap can significantly drop intake air temps which means he isn't losing power from hot air (as measured by the MAF on the '05's and a seperate IAT sensor on the '04's) and having the PCM scale back both timing and fuel curves appropriately. Timing pulled from high intake air temps has been a battle for tuners since day 1. CLICK->
Yellow Jacket 2005 GTO, right rear view. The plate says "YER SLO" (You're Slow). CLICK->
This Phantom Black 2005 GTO has the Sport Appearance Package body options which includes the recessed grilles and lower bumper setup. CLICK->
Front end view of this Phantom Black 2005 GTO. The recessed grilles have been painted black to blend in with the body. CLICK->
The rear spoiler has been changed to the Sport Appearance Package version. It is much taller than the stock one. This GTO also has blackened taillights and red decals to enhance the GTO name on the lower rear bumper. CLICK->
The owner added GTO badges from the Australian Holden GTO. CLICK->
Under the hood is a BMR strut support and red painted fuel rail covers. CLICK->
Take a look at those cool extra gauges that the owner added to the right of the steering wheel. One is for battery voltage. The other is for oil pressure.
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Darren Snow ( from St. Louis -"All those photos of GTO models has got us in the mood for building one! Keep up the good work."