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The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site
by Sean Mattingly.
2004 GTOAA International Convention coverage
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2004 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 2 of 13.
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CLICK-> Red 64 GTO Has viewer comments4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating4.2 star rating Red 1964 GTO hardtop with a red interior. This car was sitting on a hill on Centerpoint Parkway. It was at the entrance to the large swap meet. Over several days of the show, several cars took turns parked on this spot - king of the hill! The tent in the background is the Ames Performance "store". It was loaded with GTO parts for all years. You could just walk up and buy whatever you wanted, or place a catalog order for later shipment.

CLICK-> Arnie runs Arnie was there. Arnie "The Farmer" Beswick's white 1964 drag car ran down the track. Click here to see a MPG movie of this 7 or 8 second run. This movie requires a media player to view.

CLICK-> 65 GTO Two Seater Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Take a close look at this yellow 65 GTO convertible. Notice anything different? It's a two seater! It is owned by Bill and Sally Daniels. It won the Modified 1965 GTO Silver Concourse Award.
CLICK-> Short 65 GTO Convertible 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Here's Bill's yellow 1965 GTO convertible next to a full size red 1965 GTO. You can see how different the tops are. This picture was taken by Bill Daniels.
CLICK-> Short 65 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Yellow 1965 GTO convertible. It was shortened both in front and behind the rear wheels. It's got a wild yellow and black interior.
CLICK-> Wild 65 GTO Engine This yellow 1965 GTO convertible has yellow and black everywhere. It's got a Ram Air pan, Tri-power, and two yellow batteries.
CLICK-> Black & Yellow Interior Daniel sent in a picture of the black and yellow interior in his modified 1965 GTO.
CLICK-> Tonel Cover 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating For that two seater sports car look, you can use the tonel cover to keep the rain out.

CLICK-> Red 65 GTO Convertible 3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating This Red 1965 GTO convertible has a set of redline tires mounted on a Rally I wheels. This picture was taken by Keith MacDonald.

CLICK-> 65 GTO Wagon 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Blue 1965 Tempest Safari Wagon made up with the GTO hood and grilles. It's owned by Steve from Racine, Wisconsin. Steve tells us more about his wagon, "Turbo 400 transmission with 67 Dual Gate shifter on 65 console, front bucket seats, dual exhaust with Turbomax mufflers, Comp Cam 268H High Energy cam, power front disc brakes, power steering, 326 CID with Carter AFB four barrel, 3.55 differential, power electric tail gate window, GTO badges on front fenders, rear quarters, tailgate, and front inside door panels, GTO grab bar and P21570R Firestone Firehawk SS radials."

CLICK-> Bunch of 66 GTOs Here's a line of the Popular Vote 1966 GTOs with their hoods open. At the next show, it would be good if the classes were marked with a sign. Sure, they had one little number sign next to one of those cars. But a sign calling out "Popular Vote 1966 cars" would have been a lot better.
CLICK-> Bunch More 66 GTOs Another shot of all the Popular Vote class 1966 GTOs. We had beautiful weather for this part of the show. Some days it rained a little.
CLICK-> 1966 LineUp Another shot of the line of 1966 popular vote cars. There were many different colors and body styles to see. This picture was sent in by Goatff71@yahoo.com
CLICK-> 1966 LineUp Another shot of the popular vote 1966 cars from Goatff71@yahoo.com

CLICK-> 66 GTO Drag Car 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Scott Tiemann's Legend 1966 Sport Coupe race car.

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2004 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 2 of 13.

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Says David Turowski (dbt24.@drexel.edu) - "It is the only place to find the pics of those weird and rare ones that you just can't see anywhere else!!!"