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by Sean Mattingly.
2004 GTOAA International Convention coverage
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2004 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 1 of 13.
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CLICK-> Driv'in in the Rain! Has viewer comments This was a fun meet. There were a lot of activities to participate in. There were technical seminars, a car show (of course), a birthday party with a live band, a swap meet, bigtime parts vendors, tours, the Pontiac Performance Drive, drifting driving demonstrations, and old friends to catch up with. Come along for the ride. Here's a photo made on the way to the 2004 GTOAA International Convention. It rained a little. Here's a shot of the Pontiac Silverdome property line which is just down the street from the Marriott which hosted the convention. You can see some giant movie screens in the background. Yes, they ARE movie screens situated at the end of the parking lot of the Silverdome. Three screens show six movies nightly. It's a drive-in theatre. The movie sound is heard on your car's FM radio.
CLICK-> It's Pouring! Has viewer comments Another shot of a Silverdome movie screen from my GTO. I'm a big fan of drive-in movies, so this caught my attention. The GTO convention was from July 13-18, 2004. During this time, we were busy each night - and never got to go and see a movie at the Silverdome.
CLICK-> Marriot Hotel Has viewer comments The 2004 GTOAA International Convention was held at this Marriot Hotel. It was pretty hard to miss with the big blowup Tiger out front. This photo was sent in by Goatff71@yahoo.com
CLICK-> Keith and Sean Has viewer comments I had a chance to meet a lot of people at the show. Here is Keith MacDonald on the left. He is a member of the UltimateGTO.com email list. He is in the process of writing a book about Milt Schornack, from Royal Pontiac fame. They did some work together at the show. Keith said he and Milt would be reviewing many old photographs for possible inclusion in the book. Each photo would be placed into an envelope, and a caption would be written on each envelope about the photo. You like my black GTO shirt? A friend discovered this shirt selling at a Kohl's department store and bought it for me. It was an unlikely place to discover a cool GTO shirt.
CLICK-> Coors Light Girls! Has viewer comments While attending a GTOAA Board meeting, I found out that the host hotel was bringing in the Coors Light Girls for a promotion. That got my attention, so I kept an eye out for them for days. Then, walking down the street toward me, I spot what appeared to be twins! This was too good. Of course they jumped at the chance to be seen with such a big celebrity webgeek. Coors Light Girls. Mmmmm. Where was my wife during this photo-making episode? She was far away, resting at the hotel. She was exhausted after washing my car by herself earlier in the day. She's gonna kill me if she ever sees these pictures...
CLICK-> Coors Light Girls Has viewer comments The Coors Light Girls also talked with others at the show. This nice gentleman patiently explained the origins of the Tiger Tail. For some reason, he could not take his eyes off the Coors Light logo.
CLICK-> Bye Bye Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating The Coors Light Girls told us of a $2 beer special that we should try out at the hotel. And they headed back. Do you see the couple walking in front of the Coors Light Girls? That's Debbie and Kenny Lentz from the Indy GTO Association. They witnessed the whole picture-taking affair and are considered the most likely candidates to tell my wife about the episode.
CLICK-> Tons of GTOs Larry Green shows us the view out his window on the 11th floor of the Marriot. This is where many of the popular vote cars were parked. All 12 years of GTOs were present. There were even three 2004's parked just above the wagons in the lower left of this shot. Many GTOs could be seen on the other side of the hotel too.

CLICK-> Candy 64 GTO Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Candy Brandy Wine 1964 GTO hardtop with candy and silver Rally II wheels. This was one eye catching paint job. It's got a set of non-stock bucket seats with headrests in the front.
CLICK-> Candy 64 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating Candy Brandy Wine 1964 GTO hardtop, left front view. This one has hood retainer pins and a white interior. That's a rock climbing wall in the background. I expected something taller. The rocks are attached to a belt which rolls as you climb.
CLICK-> Candy 64 GTO Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Candy Brandy Wine 1964 GTO hardtop, left rear view. You get a better view of the candy Rally II wheels in this shot.

CLICK-> Red White Blue Top Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Nocturne Blue 1964 GTO hardtop with a red, white, and blue custom vinyl top. What a great way to show patriotism.
CLICK-> Flag Top Goat Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Nocturne Blue 1964 GTO hardtop with a US flag stitched vinyl top. This one also has dual quad carbs. I'm pretty sure I saw this car in Anderson, Indiana once. It was pulling out of a driveway.

CLICK-> Blue 64 GTO Convertible Has viewer comments4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating4.1 star rating Blue 1964 GTO convertible with Hurst wheels and redline tires. This car wears special "tiger" fuzzy dice. Everyone should have a set of those!
CLICK-> 64 GTO dash Has viewer comments Blue 1964 GTO convertible dash view. This one is loaded with options: Custom Sport steering wheel, in-dash tach, AM push button radio with reverb (see switch on edge of dash between far right instrument pods), and tissue dispenser. In this view, you can see a close-up of the "tiger" fuzzy dice.

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2004 GTOAA Convention.    Lot 1 of 13.

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