Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for 1964 through 1974 G.T.O. Goats!  All with thumbnail images.
The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site By Sean Mattingly. There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!

GTOAA Nationals in Columbus Ohio

The show was held July 3 - 7, 2000. The show cars were situated around the Worthington Holiday Inn, which is a convention hotel. The hosting organization was The GTO Association of Central Ohio chapter of GTOAA. Events included judging of Popular Vote cars and Concours cars. A swap / parts area was next door at the Sheraton hotel. There was a cruise to the drive-in movies on July 4th, a model car contest, an impromptu evening burnout contest, a poker run to the dragstrip, and awards ceremony at the end of the week.

All pictures were snapped by Sean & Mary Ann Mattingly. Thanks to Tracy Kirk for loaning us a Polaroid digital camera.
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One night we took our cars over to the nearby Imax Cinema. The building is lit up with neon lights in every color. We got some spectacular photos!
CLICK-> my GTO '68 GTO hardtop white at Imax entrance
CLICK-> 64 GTO with Indy Club cars Imax GTOs front #1 club cars
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Indy cars Imax GTOs front #2 club cars
CLICK-> 68 GTO with Indy cars Imax GTOs front #3 club cars
CLICK-> Indy club members Imax GTOs front #4 with club members
CLICK-> Indy Club cars Imax GTOs rear of building #1 club cars
CLICK-> Indy Club cars Imax GTOs rear of building #2 club cars
CLICK-> Indy Club cars Imax GTOs rear of building #3 club cars
CLICK-> my GTO '68 GTO hardtop white near the Imax Cinema with neon window reflections test shot #1
CLICK-> my GTO '68 GTO hardtop Imax test shot #2
CLICK-> my GTO '68 GTO hardtop Imax test shot #3 good
I highly recommend that you join a local GTO club and do a convoy to the national shows. There's no better way to enjoy the GTO cars than with a group of enthusiasts. While traveling, club members can help each other with emergency car repairs. Like the one where my car was misfiring on the Interstate. We all stopped and found that my rear spark plug wire had pulled loose from the plug connector. The plug wire had wrapped around the steering shaft knuckle, ripping it out. All I had to do was re-crimp the plug wire's connector back on. Whew!

CLICK-> line 'em up! Drag strip #1, Showing some Goats at the line.
CLICK-> GTOs five lanes wide Drag strip #2, In the lanes waiting their turn.
CLICK-> smok'in Drag strip #3, Arnie "The Farmer" Beswick warms up his tires.
CLICK-> signature car Drag strip #4, Arnie signed this gold car.
CLICK-> See Ya! Drag strip #5, And he's off!
CLICK-> silver 70 Judge Drag strip #6, A GTO prepares to race a silver Judge.
CLICK-> Launch! Drag strip #7, Green light!
CLICK-> 67 GTO convertible Drag strip #8, Dragging on a hot day.
On drag day, a GTO owner had a faulty water pump that started leaking. Normally, this is a very bad car trouble to have far from home. But thanks to the GTO guys whom fixed it. They rushed to the auto parts store, then came back and replaced his faulty water pump on the spot. When a fellow GTO owner has a problem, others rush to the rescue...much like GTO paramedics!

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If you have some interesting snapshots of the show, email them to me. Or U.S. Mail them to me. I can return photos after scanning them. Just ask.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says J. S. Griffith (griffithfam.@erols.com) - "I very much like your GTO web page. You might want to consider renaming it though. Sure you have loads of awesome "goat" shots, but you also offer so much info on so many different aspects of the venerable muscle car. I suggest something along the lines of Ultimate GTO-lovers fantasy land."