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GTOAA Nationals in Columbus Ohio

The show was held July 3 - 7, 2000. The show cars were situated around the Worthington Holiday Inn, which is a convention hotel. The hosting organization was The GTO Association of Central Ohio chapter of GTOAA. Events included judging of Popular Vote cars and Concours cars. A swap / parts area was next door at the Sheraton hotel. There was a cruise to the drive-in movies on July 4th, a model car contest, an impromptu evening burnout contest, a poker run to the dragstrip, and awards ceremony at the end of the week.

All pictures were snapped by Sean & Mary Ann Mattingly. Thanks to Tracy Kirk for loaning us a Polaroid digital camera.

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CLICK-> Rampage! '65 GTO race car white was fast.
CLICK-> Rampage! '65 GTO race car white engine compartment.
CLICK-> blue 70 GTO '70 GTO hardtop blue race car with striking graphics. This one made many passes at the drag strip on Friday.
CLICK-> hurst wheel Hurst wheel closeup with gold center caps.
CLICK-> Arnie's 64 GTO Tameless Tiger drag car was on display indoors.
CLICK-> Arnie's 64 GTO Tameless Tiger has a "wild" paint job.
CLICK-> Arnie's 64 GTO Tameless Tiger rear view showing parachutes.
CLICK-> Grrrrr '68 GTO hardtop green with a computer modified front plate.
CLICK-> blue 68 GTO conv '69 GTO convt was nice.
CLICK-> glow'in 70 Judge '70 GTO Judge blue showing reflective stickers at night! This was snapped shortly after the hotel burnout contest one evening.
CLICK-> blue 72 GTO Lucerne Blue 1972 GTO hardtop blue #1 multi stripe radical closeup. This car belongs to Pat Brown.
CLICK-> blue 72 GTO Lucerne Blue 1972 GTO hardtop blue #2 side view with multi stripe.

I bought a reproduction bumper from Ames at the show. Then I decided to install it one evening. What a mistake that project turned out to be!
CLICK-> Will it fit? '68 GTO bumper project #1: The new bumper sits on a chair. We had no idea this shiny new part would be too narrow to fit the rear of the car correctly.
CLICK-> It might fit! '68 GTO bumper project #2: with old bumper off.
CLICK-> Tail lights fit! '68 GTO bumper project #3: We took off the old bumper and disassembled the tail light housings.
CLICK-> It don't fit! '68 GTO bumper project #4: Several GTO people stopped by to watch us put it on. Too bad the reproduction bumper won't fit on the car where it wraps around the rear quarters. The top bumper "corners" are not angled as much as the original bumper. The repro also has fat top edges that don't look much like the original. Two people stated their '68 reproduction bumpers would not fit either. Each person had returned their repro bumpers twice with the same result! Uh-Oh! I measured the repro bumper and found its dimensions to be way off. Measuring between the widest inside points (marked with a blue dot here), the repro measures 67 1/2 inches. The original will measure 68 1/2 inches. To make matters worse, four of the 6 bolt holes in the repro are too small. You'd need to file the square holes bigger to be able to squeeze the bolts in them. Damn waste of good "car show vacation" time!
CLICK-> Red Sticker '68 GTO bumper project #5: Here's your first clue that your new bumper ain't gonna fit. See this red sticker? It says "Grand Bumper - Plated in USA". Ames gave me a refund on their ill-fitting bumper the next morning. What? It fits "tight", huh? They promised to work out the problem with their bumper manufacturer. I suspect this manufacturer makes ALL the '68 repro bumpers. The car next to us had one of these dimensionally challenged repro bumpers on it. You could see where it does not slide all the way over the rear quarters. And the wraparound sides were jammed into the car paint, instead of properly spaced away from it. Thanks to the New Jersey club guys who tipped us off to the bumper fit problem! They had known about the bad repro fit problems from their own experience.

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If you have some interesting snapshots of the show, email them to me. Or U.S. Mail them to me. I can return photos after scanning them. Just ask.

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Says Aubrey Ankrum (ankrum.@pacbell.net) - "Great idea - even better execution!"