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GTOAA Nationals in Columbus Ohio

The show was held July 3 - 7, 2000. The show cars were situated around the Worthington Holiday Inn, which is a convention hotel. The hosting organization was The GTO Association of Central Ohio chapter of GTOAA. Events included judging of Popular Vote cars and Concours cars. A swap / parts area was next door at the Sheraton hotel. There was a cruise to the drive-in movies on July 4th, a model car contest, an impromptu evening burnout contest, a poker run to the dragstrip, and awards ceremony at the end of the week.

All pictures were snapped by Sean & Mary Ann Mattingly. Thanks to Tracy Kirk for loaning us a Polaroid digital camera.

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CLICK-> My 68 GTO My '68 GTO hardtop white makes its debut on this web site, finally. Note the lack of a "GTO" sticker on the rear quarter. Those had been removed in order to buy and install some fresh ones at the swap meet. The wing is not correct for a '68 car, but I think these '69 wings look spectacular on '68 cars as well. On the way to the show we had a flat tire. We were only 3 miles from home -poof- flat tire. Found a BOSCH spark plug had punctured right through the tread and was stuck in the tire. Luckily we had a spare tire ON a Cragar that matched the others. Thunderstorms were rumbling nearby as I hurriedly got the tire changed. Didn't get wet. No big deal. We laughed about the episode and continued on our way!

We made a cruise from the host hotel to the local drive-in movie place to see "Gone In 60 Seconds".
This was the Kingman Drive-In, Delaware Ohio.
CLICK-> Orange 70 Judge '70 GTO Judge hardtop Orbit Orange waits in line to cruise to the movies.
CLICK-> Black 69 Judge '69 GTO Judge hardtop black in the parking lot line.
CLICK-> Blue 71 GTO Cars enter the movie entrance with their free passes.
CLICK-> some 70 GTOs Array of GTOs #1 arriving at the drive-in
CLICK-> 70 Judges Array of GTOs #2 arriving at the drive-in
CLICK-> line-o-goats Array of GTOs #3 arriving at the drive-in
CLICK-> play'in around Adults on the playground snapped pictures of the many cars while standing on top of the slide. Later, the movie staff brought out a ladder so the many photographers could get a good view of the GTOs spread out across the drive-in lot.
CLICK-> how about a GTO movie '68 GTO hardtop and a Judge wait for the movie to begin. The movie was a hit with the crowd. I give it at least 4 stars. It would earn a 5th star if there were some GTOs in it.
CLICK-> POW '68 GTO convt belonging to John Jump was Picture Of The Week on 7/9/00. It sits next to a '69 convertible at the movies. Both are the same color, Verdoro Green.
CLICK-> 68 & 69 GTOs rear view Same GTO convertibles from the rear.
CLICK-> 66 GTO /w red fender liners '66 GTO hardtop gold with red fenders next to a movie speaker. Sharp photo! This one would make a neat computer wallpaper image.
CLICK-> red 70 GTO convertible 'GTOs from the side with Indy GTO Assn member Chris Smetana staring down the snout of a Judge.
CLICK-> projector room Sneaking around #1 we check out the old projector room at the drive-in.
CLICK-> I see someone's GTO Sneaking around #2 the projectionist keeps an eye on things through this window. Since he stands up a lot, he's got some very squishy carpet to stand on here.
CLICK-> projector #1 Sneaking around #3 the left projector with the movie reel "Gone In 60 Seconds" ready to run.
CLICK-> My GTO Sean's '68 GTO hardtop white at movies.
Here's an update on "THE MOVIES" added 12 Aug 2001.  I got a note that says:
From bsginier@columbus.rr.com
I live in Columbus Ohio and stopped by the 2000 GTOAA show and really enjoyed myself.  It was nice to see photos from that show on your web site. 

The reason for my writing,  the Drive-In the show attendees visited in 2000 is to be torn down end of this season.  My wife and I take our three girls there often and had the demolition rumor confirmed by one of their employees.   What a sad day for Columbus, tract-homes in place of our drive-in.  Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought I'd mention it. 

Well, I'm not a GTO owner (yet),  but hope to be someday.
Best Regards, Brian Ginier, Columbus Ohio

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If you have some interesting snapshots of the show, email them to me. Or U.S. Mail them to me. I can return photos after scanning them. Just ask.

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