The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site By Sean Mattingly. There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!
Freedom Hill car show in Sterling Heights, Michigan

The show was held August 12, 2001.   It was sponsored / hosted by the Woodward GTO Tigers Club.   This was an outdoor show held on a very hot day at Freedom Hill park.  All pictures were snapped by Craig George from Yorktown, Indiana.  His email address is  There were quite a few GTOs at this show.   Craig estimates that there were between 250 and 300 cars there.

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CLICK-> This deep purple 1965 GTO was for sale.  Those are Rally I wheels.
CLICK-> A 1965 GTO convertible with wire wheelcovers.  This one has a tiger tail hanging from the trunk.  Or maybe there is a whole tiger in the trunk?
CLICK-> A 1965 GTO convertible.   This one is maroon with a hood tach and an immaculate interior..
CLICK-> Here you see a whole row of 1965 GTO convertibles.  There is never a shortage of red convertibles!
CLICK-> A show winner.   Look at all the trophies next to this 1965 car.
CLICK-> Check out the interior in this car.
CLICK-> A teal colored '65 wears a grille badge.  It is from the Pontiac-Oakland club.
CLICK-> Another teal '65 GTO.  This one has tri-power.
CLICK-> A 1965 tri-power convertible with Cragars.
CLICK-> A pair of 1966 cars.  Dan Gregory owns this Reef Turquoise convertible. It also has a set of Hurst wheels.
CLICK-> Sharp black 1966 GTO.
CLICK-> Modified 1966 car with fat tires and a giant hole in the hood.   Sometimes, when you modify a car, the engine gets too tall to occupy the stock engine compartment.   Sometimes the hood needs cut, sometimes the inner fenders have to be removed...just depends on how radical the car ends up.
CLICK-> A 1967 car leads off this row of '66 - '67 GTOs.
CLICK-> This sharp aqua 1967 car is getting an engine inspection.
CLICK-> Check out the tiger painted on the door panel.  This interior has many custom touches.
CLICK-> Here is a 2nd shot showing the radical underhood treatment.   The mirrors on the ground are placed there so you can appreciate the extensive detailing on the undercarriage.
CLICK-> This 1967mobile is sporting a tri-power setup.  The engine compartment is all polished up and ready for show.
CLICK-> A 1967 GTO in Tiger Gold can really suck in some air.  Notice the large air intake tubes routed to the air cleaner?  This car also sports a Royal Bobcat sticker on it.
CLICK-> 1969 was a good year for the GreaT One.  This one came from the Buckeye state, where the letters G.T.O. stand for Going To Ohio.
CLICK-> This Nevada Judge has an interesting license plate.
CLICK-> A 1969 GTO with maroon paint and a colorful custom air cleaner.
CLICK-> This 1969 GTO convertible is Verdoro Green with a green interior.
CLICK-> A 1970 GTO is next one the showfield.  It sports a reproduction window sticker and authentic tiger.
CLICK-> A 2nd photo of Jerry Eckerle's 1970 GTO.
CLICK-> A 1971 GTO hardtop with Honeycomb wheels.

Photographer Craig George had the only '74 GTO at the show.  It is Admiralty Blue Metallic.  Craig says the reason he
took so many teal turquoise shots is because he recently bought a teal turquoise '65 GTO with matching interior on eBay.
He plans a frame-off restoration on it.   Every teal car he saw was a shade or two different than the next one.
Craig is looking for a recommendation on a good engine builder near the Yorktown or Muncie Indiana area.

If you have some interesting snapshots of cars shows, email them to me.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Jack Manchester ( - "There is no better compliment to a fine Goat than to have a hot babe in the picture with it. Wouldn't you like to see a red hot goat and a white hot babe burning the monitor up? So please more of the two together and keep on bringing those fabulous GTO's"