Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site for the 1964 through 2008 G.T.O. Goats!  All with thumbnail images. The Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site By Sean Mattingly. There's no bigger GTO image collection anywhere!

GTO Text Topics

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Table of contents for Text Topics...
1 Top Ten ways to lose your muscle car   UPDATED 9/05
Got married?  Had kids?  All the most common ways that guys have gotten separated from their fast cars.

2 What's the difference between a 1968 and 1969 GTO?   with Exhaust Tip reference photos!
Take these to your muffler shop when you hang on some new pipes.

3 How not to buy a FAKE GTO!
We examine the differences between a LeMans and GTO for the year 1968.

4 How much is a GTO worth?   UPDATED 4/06

5 What do I expect at a car show?

6 Where will my 1968 / 69 GTO RUST?  Has some photographic examples.

7 How to take great GTO pictures

8 How do I send in GTO pictures?   UPDATED 8/04

9 Car guys flunk spelling and other GTO humor UPDATED 12/04

10 Look through the 1968 Accessory book

11 How to find GTO's on the Internet   UPDATED 3/05

12 What was GOATFINDER CLASSIFIEDS?   UPDATED 3/05 because it's out of publication

13 Where were all the GTO factories?

14 Gearheads talk tech on the GTO Email list

15 What to do BEFORE your GTO gets smashed up!   UPDATED 8/05
Some insurance tips.  Also learn what you should do to protect your classic car at the scene.

16 How to store a GTO for the winter

17 Will Sean link to my GTO web page?

18 Pontiac Zone & Dealer Codes + Map   UPDATED OFTEN
Contribute your car's original zone codes and dealer name.

19 Kellogg's GTO contest cars

20 GTOs in the movies   UPDATED 03/10
Quite a collection of goats that have graced the silver screen, TV commercials and TV shows.

21 25 easy steps to restore a GTO

22 How to make a car web page. Secrets revealed!

23 One-stop Rally II wheel info   Under Construction 12/99

24 Fix your hideaway headlights   UPDATED 2/05
The most complete article you'll find on the subject.  It has a vacuum hose diagram and photos.

25 GTO Styling Differences year by year comparison

26 Royal Bobcat GTO's explored

27 Look through the 1968 dealer booklet All 10 models with pics and descriptions

28 Is is a real Judge?

29 Top Speed Calculator
It is a trip to play with the gear ratios and tire sizes. Thanks to Web Helper Jeff Klein, you can see your projected top speed in each gear.

30 BROCHURE SCAN: The '68 Greats - From Pontiac

31 Quickie Restoration Projects

32 Frequently Asked Questions

33 Bring back the GTO!   NEW 2/02
This was written before the 2004 GTO came out.  Were our thoughts on the mark?

34 Distributor Overhaul with help from Milt Schornack   NEW 6/02

New5 35 Auto scams from A to Z   NEW 12/05

New5 36 Dash Restoration step-by-step   NEW 4/06

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NEW! 2009 Norwalk Tri-Power Nationals photos
NEW! 2009 GTOAA convention was in Dayton
NEW! 2009 Drive-In Movie Tour hit 2 drive-ins
2008 Norwalk Tri-Power Nationals photos
2008 GTOAA convention was in NY State
2008 Drive-In Movie Tour hit 2 drive-ins
2007 Norwalk Tri-Power Nationals photos & videos
2007 GTOAA convention was in Ohio
2007 Drive-In Movie Tour hit 4 drive-ins

1964 car Lots  ,  1965 car Lots  ,  1966 car Lots
1967 car Lots , My xXx action movie memorabilia museum
1968 GTO CONVT in 30 Lots  , 1968 GTO HARDTOPS in 76 Lots
1969 GTO CONVT in 40 Lots  , 1969 GTO HARDTOPS in 72 Lots
Mostly Carousel Red 1969 GTO Judges in 49 Lots
1970 car Lots, 1971 car Lots, 1972 car Lots, 1973 car Lots, 1974 car Lots
1999 concept car Lots, 2004 GTO and concept car Lots
2005 GTO and concept car Lots, 2006 GTO concept car Lots
2007 GTO concept car Lots, 2008 GTO concept car Lots
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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Arlin Rouse (dirtydawg1953.@peoplepc.com) - "Like it, I'll be back. In 78 I traded my (1974 GTO coupe) to get a new 4x4 pick-up. Could u have someone kick me..."